Archive for August, 2014
Your Daily Rick
Holy cow! Did you know that one of the grand jurors on the Rick Perry indictment is a Democrat and attended the State Democratic Convention? Well, there ya go – proof this is political.
One of the 12 grand jurors is a certified Democrat and everybody knows that Democrats cannot be fair.
Jonathan Turley almost has a heart attack about it because while at the state convention the grand juror had her picture taken with State Senator Kirk Watson, who was called to testify before the grand jury. Turley also feels it is necessary to print her name and her Facebook page. That’ll show those damn Democrats to keep their noses out of government.
Turley, who is decidedly blowing the top off the idiot scale, speculated that the grand juror and Watson even discussed the case while at the state convention.
She was also photographed with Democratic state Sen. Kirk Watson, a witness. It is not known if she discussed the matter with him.
Turley, you need slapping. You really do. In Texas, you can go to prison for discussing grand jury information. You are accusing a woman you do not know and a respected state senator of committing a serious crime.
Somebody forgot to tell Turley that it takes nine votes to indict, not one. Turley, who is a big city boy, doesn’t understand that in small Texas towns – like the one I live in – it’s reasonable and likely for you to personally know every witness before a grand jury you’re serving on. Been there, done that myownself.
Plus, Turley does not know if this woman did, in fact, recuse herself. That information is also secret.
You know, it peeves the hell out of me that people like Turley hold Texas grand jurors to a higher standard of impartiality than they do Supreme Court justices. Scalia and Thomas don’t recuse themselves on highly political matters. Ever. Trump that, Turley.
Turley needs to read Wayne Slater, a Texan, this morning. And so should you.
Thank You, Brother Tom.
When the tent revivalists get to preaching, the ground shakes and the heavens open up … with the tears of sweet Jesus.
Last week when Rick Scarborough spoke at a revival he said that if America was destroyed by a giant nuclear blast, that would be justifiable by God Hisownself.
“This thing could all come crashing down,” Scarborough warned, saying that if a “series of dirty bombs” or one massive nuclear blast were to destroy America, it would be “perfectly just … because we have squandered our grace in this country.”
Wanna know why? Ho-mo-sex-u-als. (You have to pronounce that word like it has ten syllables.)
And then up pops Tom DeLay with a solution. Tom is making a living off the toils of the ignorant, which is no different than he’s done all his life. He’s a Biblotainer – he makes money turning the Bible into entertainment.
Get this —
“We’ve got to rewrite the federal government,” DeLay proclaimed. “Let’s bring Jesus Christ back into our political system and stand for him unashamedly because none of this is going to happen without God … And secondly, demand a revolution for the Constitution … let’s impose that on our political system, let’s bring it back, the way God intended it and the way God wrote it.”
I know – it’s word soup. First he wants to re-write it and then he wants to bring back some of that old time constitution. You know, the one written before those pesky amendments. Except for the Second Amendment. That one is fine.
Just think – five years from now, that will be Rick Perry on the Biblotainer circuit. There’s a never ending supply of opportunists in Texas.
Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.
Fun With Gun: My Biggest Fear
I live in Texas, but my biggest fear is that my obituary might say this:
I mean, just the thought of that keeps me up at night. First, when I die, I want to be real sick, real old, or doing something worth dying for. I would prefer for my butt to stay out of the equation. Second of all, if my butt gets so big that it’s a clear target from half a mile away, just shoot me from the front anyway. Be polite about it.
The story goes like this:
The homeowner was struck by a bullet in his behind. Sedgwick County Officers said it came from across a farm field behind his backyard. Five men ages 18-20 were shooting several rounds from the other side of the field. They were aiming at a dead stump with no back stop.
His injuries are not serious. His embarrassment, however, is.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.
Oh Lord, they now have a mid day report at GOPUSA because we liberals are just so damn intent on destroying America.
GOPUSA caught my eye several years ago when they were called Talon News and had Jeff Gannon working for them as a “reporter.” After the big news broke about Gannon, they changed their name to GOPUSA but kept the same owners and staff. The owner, Bobby Elberle, once ran for chair of the Texas Republican Party and actually cried when he lost by a very slim margin.
Noon’s headlines today.
They are all a titter that Democrats set up a voter registration table because it’s “disgusting.”
Missouri Republican Party Executive Director Matt Wills denounced voter registration efforts amid continued protests in Ferguson, calling it “disgusting.”
“If that’s not fanning the political flames, I don’t know what is,” Wills told Breitbart News, a conservative website, Monday.
He also called the actions “completely inappropriate.”
Oh yeah, voter registration fans the flames of racial injustice but a city being 67% African American with no African American elected officials is what calms the flames of racial injustice. The worst thing happening in Ferguson right now is voter registration, dammit.
In reply —
Roy Temple, Missouri Democratic Party chairman, also used Twitter to disagree with Wills.
“There’s much in Ferguson to be outraged about,” Temple tweeted. “Folks peacefully registering to vote is not one of them.”
Ya think?
All Rick. All The Time.
Just in case you haven’t heard, being indicted for a felony means that Rick Perry can’t carry a weapon or buy ammo, so all those coyotes just begging to be shot on Austin’s jogging trails are just going to have to wait.
“It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person (1) is under indictment for, or has been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.”
And our crazy friends over at GOPUSA headlined the horrors of Rick.
Dude, liberals are taking it just fine, and by just fine I mean snort-laughing at Perry and his O. J.-style legal “team” whose strategy seems to be “If Rosemary got lit, you must acquit.”
And the Texas Democratic Party has issued 20 Questions that Perry’s Lawyers Don’t Want to Answer.
Thanks to John for the graphic and Luis for the heads up.