Archive for July, 2014

Yeah, Let’s Fight the Russians on the Miami Front

July 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think this is my favorite poll ever simply because it proves that the dumber you are, the more likely you want to go to war.  It’s called “The Republican Redneck and Proud” theorem.

So researchers at Dartmouth, Princeton, and Harvard asked Americans to locate Ukraine on a world map.  One in six got it right.  But, here’s the catchy part.  The further off they were to it’s location on a map, the more likely they were to want to invade it.



Two people thought it was in Memphis.  I can understand that.  I’ve been that drunk in Memphis before.  Iceland?  Seriously?

… the further our respondents thought that Ukraine was from its actual location, the more they wanted the U.S. to intervene militarily. Even controlling for a series of demographic characteristics and participants’ general foreign policy attitudes, we found that the less accurate our participants were, the more they wanted the U.S. to use force …

That’s kinda the way it always is, ain’t it?

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

The Face of Dan Patrick’s Texas

July 19, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

From the Dallas Morning News.

Protesters lined both sides of Elm Street on Friday, in dueling downtown demonstrations over plans to house unaccompanied Central American children in Dallas County.

At their peak, the crowds together swelled to about 100 people. The two groups gathered to voice support for, and opposition to, a plan to establish temporary shelters in the county for thousands of children now being detained at the border.

Here is the Christian side of the argument.



How loving and reasonable.

Fun With Guns: Oops Edition

July 19, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Should have let him shoot an apple off your head.  He aims high.

A man faced murder charges on Friday after accidentally shooting his friend while testing a bulletproof vest, the Baltimore police said. Mark Ramiro, 30, was arrested in the shooting of Darnell Mitchell, 28, late on Wednesday. The Baltimore Sun reported on Friday the shooting was recorded on a video camera by a third person. In it, Mr. Mitchell brags that he is about to take a “deuce deuce in the chest” — a shot from a .22-caliber bullet — before he is struck just above the vest.

Ya think alcohol was involved or just copious amounts of dumb?

Thanks to Sandy for the heads up.

News / Not News

July 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I really don’t think this piece of polling information fits under the category of news.

It’s more like things we already knew but now have proof.

A new Public Policy Polling survey found that 37 percent of Republicans who voted in the Mississippi primary runoff election between incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) and state Sen. Chris McDaniel (R) said they would back the Confederate side if there was another Civil War.

The other 63% have already seceded.

I wonder when they’re going to realize that they are admitting to treason?

 Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: Hey, The Boss Says Okay Edition

July 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Rep. Tom Marino, said to be the most conservative congressman from Pennsylvania, has a press secretary.

No, scratch that. Had a press secretary.

Ryan Shucard had a rotten morning.  He’s been charged with a felony.

Shucard entered the southeast door of Cannon with the weapon. The Smith & Wesson 9mm and magazine were found during the search required for entry into the building, according to Schneider. People entering Cannon, including those with staff identification badges, like Shucard, are required to step through metal detectors and place bags on the belt of an X-Ray machine.

Yeah, Marino is not a fan of gun control.

Thanks to Sharon for the heads up.

I’ll “Take Crooked Foreign Banks That Love Republicans” for $500, Alex

July 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t even know where to start to remind you of how totally evil UBS is.  It’s a Swiss global financial services company that admitted helping Americans hide money to keep from paying taxes.  And that was some of the nicer things it’s done.  You can start here.

Now, why any politician would want to take money from a bank so damn corrupt and toxic beats the hell outta me.  But they do and have no shame about it.

After all, Randy Neugebauer has yacht payments to make.

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Yeah, he took $5,000 to his Super PAC from them.

But, that’s not the only sleaze who takes their money.  Lookie here.

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Rubio already took $10,000 from them for a race that isn’t even happening for two years.  Now that’s swanky, ain’t it?

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.