Shame, Shame, Shame, Jimmy.
I’ve had some blue dog Democrats run for congress in my area and I tell them one thing: when given a choice between a real Republican and a Democrat pretending to be a Republican, people will vote for the real thing every damn time.
If you’re a Democrat, be a damn Democrat.
I guess my voice doesn’t carry as well as I’d hoped. Lookie here.
Jimmy Schmidt is running for the state senate in Michigan. I hope he gets his butt handed to him on a silver platter covered in fireworks.
Jimmy, go join the GOP. Hey, you’ve already got the misspelling down pat.
There’s something else to make you grin. Click the Endorsements tab. Oh dear Lord, he has a screen shot of environmental group he endorses. Jimmy, Honey, that’s not how it works.
Thanks to Carl for the heads up.