Archive for July, 2014

Welcome to Juanita’s Whack-a-Mole Texas Congressman Game

July 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this afternoon it’s Mike McCaul, a pretty boy from CD10, a district running from Houston to Austin.

Michael-McCaulHe’s chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. He’s also the richest member of congress because he married the daughter of the guy who owns Clear Channel Communications. However, he ain’t the smartest. Not even close. I actually heard someone joke about him:  Do you know what McCaul got on his IQ test?  (Wait for it.) Drool.

McCaul wanted us to know that he visited the border.

So he held a press conference.  He said the situation was bad and that broke his heart but, he continued, “I saw some 17-year-olds that I thought looked more like a threat coming into the United States.”

Holy crap, McCaul.  You’re more of a threat to homeland security than any teenager.

Do you know what is a threat to America?  Grown men who make their daughters dress alike.  That’s a damn threat to America.


111th Swearing In 018

Yeah, and kids were just damn thrilled about it, too.



Thanks to Monty and Barbara for the heads up.

Oh Hell, Randy, Give Them a Ride on Your Yacht

July 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

West Texas Congressman Randy Neugebauer is a nincompoop.

You might remember Neugebauer for his rant against a park ranger at the World War II Memorial during the government shutdown so he could look good in front of a crowd.  He claimed his statements were “misunderstood.”  They were on tape.  It should be noted that Neugebauer never served in the military himself.

Randy_NeugebauerHe’s one of those prissy Republicans who think they did, in fact, get rich because that’s what God wanted. He got his 15 minutes of fame by yelling “Baby Killer!” at Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak on the House floor during debate.  He claims that he was misunderstood then, too.

Neugebauer is a man of great passion and of great luxury.  He bought a yacht with campaign funds.  The guy represents people in the desert who are suffering a drought and he bought a yacht with his campaign donations.  Did I mention that he lives in a desert?  He thought a yacht would help, I guess.

The guy got his stupid at a two for one sale.

You’ve heard about the deplorable conditions at the border, where children are being housed in third world conditions.  Well, that just too damn fancy for Randy.

Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) on Wednesday downplayed the horrible conditions in U.S. Border Patrol detention centers by describing all of the supposed benefits undocumented immigrants are receiving there.

“They belong back with their families. When you look at the lovely way they’re getting treated — they’re getting free health care, free housing, you know, they’re watching the World Cup on big screen TVs,” he said on Sean Hannity’s radio show, as recorded by the Huffington Post.

So there you have it.

The lap of lovely:


The lap of congressional lovely:

Randy's Yacht

Randy’s Yacht

Thanks to Andrew for the heads up.

Rick Perry is Not Gay. Not Gay. Nada Gayo.

July 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is not gay. Well, everywhere except Austin.

In Austin it’s a a different story.

Read to the end.

Yeah, he said that.

“If Rick Perry would’ve walked in, I would have lost my job. I would’ve taken that old queen to town,” Webb adds.

Rick Perry is not gay. Except in Austin.

Everywhere else — not gay.


July 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Grumpy Ole Rick Perry is trying to come up with a reason why he was laughing and joking one minute and then got all grumpy when everybody else started laughing.


Even after being given several days to ponder on it, this is what his office gave as a reason.

Asked why he had that expression in the photo, Perry spokeswoman Lucy Nashed said, “The governor is deeply concerned about what is happening along the Texas-Mexico border, and his expression reflects that concern.”

That’s the best they can do, huh?  No wonder his presidential aspirations are moving slow as a short legged turtle.

Of course, it could be that somebody reminded him that the grand jury was meeting that day and nobody is willing to face a perjury charge to save Perry’s grandstanding butt.

The grand jury investigation into whether Gov. Rick Perry abused his power continues.

A special prosecutor is investigating whether Perry committed a crime when he threatened to veto $7.5 million in funding from the state’s public integrity unit.

Perry said he would cut funding unless Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg resigned following her drunken driving conviction. Lehmberg refused and Perry followed through on his threat.

Personally, I think he was just upset that they wouldn’t let him wear a bullet proof vest and a big ole giant mean looking gun to the meeting.

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July 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember how the Affordable Care Act was the end of civilization as we know it?

Remember how Republicans called it Obamacare to remind people that you caught the Black Plague from it?

Remember how it wasn’t gong to work?

Remember how John Boehner is suing President Obama over it?

Lookie here.

This is the percentage of adult Americans who don’t have health insurance now.  Click the little done to get the big one.

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So, the next time the Republicans tell you that the sky is falling, remember that falling can be a good thing.


The Good News, The Bad New, and Just The News

July 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First the bad news:  Louie Gohmert wants to put war ships on the Rio Grande and shoot little children.  Customer Anne put it best  …

So the click-bait link says “America’s Dumbest Congressman compares migrant children to D-Day invasion, demands “Ships of War”, and I thought good heavens, finally! Someone dumber than our own Louie Gohmert.

I clicked.

And there was our very own Louie Gohmert.

In an ironic twist of fate, I’m gonna tell you a story that’ll make you smile.  Tom DeLay tried to save himself from indictment and conviction by building a community of houses for foster children.  There were eight gorgeous fully finished homes, a chapel, a full sized gym, a swimming pool, and a fishing pond with a dock.   Long story.  Short story.  After raising $6 million from his corporate political donors, Tom opened Rio Bend to much fanfare and glory.

1254860012_tom-delay-290He still got convicted.

The next week, he and his wife began to throw families out of the place unless they subscribed to his weird brand of religion. Lutheran charities, who had originally agreed to run the joint, pulled out.  Those 8 beautiful homes sat empty and the grounds went fallow for 5 years until Catholic Charities agree to take over if the DeLays weren’t involved at all.

The best part:

“What a milestone in our journey,” said Bonna Kol, president and CEO for Catholic Charities. “The Rio Bend community will allow our agency to serve truly vulnerable children who are in need of care, love and guidance. At full capacity, we will be caring for 48 infants and children from the state foster care, trafficked children and orphans from other countries such as Burma, Congo, Ethiopia and Central America.”

So the houses that Tom DeLay built for merely self-aggrandizement will more than likely house refugee children from Central America.

I bet his head explodes.

Thanks to Anne and Lorraine for the heads up.