Archive for June, 2014

Sit, Boy! Sit, Boy!

June 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is a dog fight in Lucas County, Ohio.  It’s Republican vs. Republican.

A Lucas County Republican Party organizational meeting that turned into a brawl last week has prompted congressional candidate Richard May of Cleveland to suspend campaign activities in that area for the next two months.

“The physical confrontations and acts of uncivility are embarrassing to Toledo, the Republican Party and the conservative movement,” said a statement released by May, the GOP candidate for the congressional seat currently held by Toledo Democrat Marcy Kaptur. “I condemn these thug tactics.”

Well, there ya go.  Republicans and I finally agree on something – they are the party of thugs.

The fight was over who gets to be the Republican county chair of Lucas County.  It took armed guards to settle down the right-wingers.

Here’s the news report.  Warning:  you have not seen this many white people in one room since the last Jimmy Buffet concert.

Holy cow, y’all.  Just holy cow.  All y’all need is open carry and it would look like a third world country.

Well, it IS Ohio.

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: Annie Oakley Edition

June 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A Florida woman accidentally shot herself during a marksmanship competition.  Seriously.

Siegried Betterly, 40, was injured while participating in a timed shooting competition at the Volusia County Gun and Hunt Club on State Road 44, said Volusia Sheriff spokesman Gary Davidson.

Davidson said as Betterly was putting her 9 mm handgun into her holster, she accidentally touched the trigger, and a bullet hit her in the leg.

I’m thinking she lost, right?


The Cost of Being a Cowboy

June 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott thinks he’s Texas Tough.

He ain’t.

And he ain’t nowhere near smart enough to be Governor.

220px-Abbott_(cropped)Here’s how this goes in people language instead of lawyer language:

Three plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against Texas in a Voting Rights Act dispute.  Wendy Davis was one of them.  They won in front of a three judge panel in Texas.  Attorney General Greg Abbott’s side lost.

So, the lawyers on the winning side asked that the State of Texas pay their legal fees because the State of Texas was wrong, wrong, wrong.

Attorney General Abbott decided to go with the “oh those gnats!” legal argument.

It did not work.  At all.

“Rather than engage the fee applicants, Plaintiff Texas basically ignores the arguments supporting an award of fees and costs,” Collyer writes, adding that the state “expresses indignation at having to respond at all, and presumes that the motion for attorney fees is so frivolous that Texas need not provide further briefing in opposition unless requested.”

Bottom line: Collyer said she would “award $466,680.36 to the Davis Intervenors, $597,715.60 to the Gonzales Intervenors and $32,374.05 to the Texas State Conference of NAACP Branches.”

Okay, so one million dollars of taxpayer money goes to lawyers because Greg Abbott wanted to play smartass.

The judge also called it “arrogant and ineffective lawyering.”  Yep, that pretty much sums up Greg Abbott.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

Car Wreck – Live!

June 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference is on the internet tubes live.

I just this minute saw Ralph Reed say that they have a “God given” right to what essentially amounts campaign finance reform violations.

They will build a monument on the rubble that was congress for future generations to know that they fought tyranny.

Holy cow, y’all, I can’t type fast enough to keep up with the crazy.

Oh no …. he just said calvary when he meant cavalry.  Or did he?  Are those two words interchangeable for the steeple people?

Ya Think, Rick?

June 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

After providing the entire country with some good ole Texas Idiot humor by comparing homosexuality to alcoholism – except that driving while homosexual rarely kills anyone – Rick Perry stepped up to the confessional.

I readily admit, I stepped right in it,” Perry said.

No, no, you’re stepping right in it right now, Rick.

Perry_ClarkKent_1So, yesterday you horrified the 80% of Americans who think.  Now you’ve horrified the other 20% who decide who the GOP Presidential nominee will be.  You’re screwed, glued, and tattooed, Rick.

Rick says he should have talked about jobs and the economy instead.  Oh, that’ll work.

Q:  How do you feel about abortion, Mr Perry?

A:  I think we should get them there – whatchamacallit? oh yeah, fetuses – some damn jobs.

Q:  And how do you feel about the situation in Iraq?

A:  I look at it this way – the military provides high risk, low pay jobs.  I’m for jobs.

Hell, it works better than trying to remember three things at once.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


Dallas County Commissioners Said They Didn’t Know What They Were Voting On. Like That’s Something New.

June 19, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dallas county has one African American commissioner.  He read a resolution and asked for it to be adopted.

Screen Shot 2014-06-18 at 7.13.29 PMThe Dallas Morning News reported that commissioners thought they were honoring an annual holiday when they voted unanimously for the “Juneteenth Resolution” sponsored by Dallas County’s only black commissioner, John Wiley Price.

Price even read the text of the resolution, which covered broad topics like slavery and Jim Crow. Many of the commissioners seemed uninterested, playing with their computers or reading documents while he read so they did not seem to notice the final sentence.

Here’s the part they didn’t listen to …

“Be it further resolved that the dereliction that has caused 400 years of significant… suffering to the descendants of those who have been enslaved Africans who built this country, should be satisfied with monetary and substantial reparations to same.”

Dallas County Commissioners voted for reparation.  Unanimously.  Every damn white boy on commissioner’s court voted for reparations.  Because they were looking at cat videos on their computers.

Sometimes idiots are truly entertaining.  Especially the Dallas ones.

Thanks to Deb and Frank for the heads up.