Okay, today I’m going to tell you a story.
We Democrats have a caucus system in Texas. You attend your state senatorial district convention where you get elected to the state Democratic convention. Once you are at the state convention, you elect members of the State Democratic Executive Committee, the governing body of the state party. You do other stuff, too, like elect national delegates in Presidential years.
So, in years past, people signed-in at their senatorial convention on sheets of paper that made two copies. One stayed with the chairman of the senatorial convention, another one went to the state party to make up the delegate list. The state party’s copy was so messed up that you could hardly read it.
In order to achieve a balance of all voices, we have “add-on” members to the State Democratic Executive Committee. For example, Young Democrats get a male and a female member of the SDEC. LGBT, Disabled Democrats, Veterans, African American, Hispanic, etc. get two seats each. For the most part, these people are also elected at the state convention. If you don’t have a readable list of people of who is disabled, LGBT, young, etc, that makes things as messy as a two year old with finger paints.
So, since we live in the technology era, it was decided by some really bright people that Democrats could sign up online for their senatorial conventions and then the Excel sheet from each senatorial convention could be sent back down to each convention. It made perfect sense and it worked like a $20 hammer on a greased nail. We could finally read email addresses and phone numbers!
Except for one thing.
This morning I looked at the list of disabled people attending the state convention and holy cow! there was like 450 of them. We usually have about 30 people at our caucus. Then I kept looking and some people I knew for damn fact weren’t disabled, were listed as being disabled.
So, I email my friend Glen Maxey who is generally knowledgeable about this stuff and I say, “Since when is Joe Smith, Sally Jones, David Frontage, and a whole mess of other people, including a couple of State Representatives, become disabled?” He emailed back, “Look at the LGBT list! 75% of the people coming are LGBT.” He was right.
When Glen first noticed this odd thing, he called a couple of the people he knew weren’t LGBT and asked why they checked the box for the LGBT caucus.
Come to find out, we’re damn Democrats. We are accustomed to checking the boxes of things we support. So some people just checked boxes. Veterans caucus? Hell, you support veterans whether you’re a veteran or not. You support disabled people, check that box! LGBT Caucus? Hell, I’ll watch them get married and throw a party for them afterwards! I’m a damn Democrat. I support everybody!
And that is Reason #4,519 why I love Democrats. We pretty much just wanna hug ya.