Archive for May, 2014

Oh Really? Would You Like To Take That Back?

May 22, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lance Johnson runs a foundry in Wisconsin.  He, of course, hates OSHA and said that workplace safety inspectors were “burdening him and killing jobs with too much red tape.”

In fact, he said it real loud.  In the Wall Street Journal right before the 2012 election.  He wanted President Obama whipped at the polls for “burdening” his company with inspections.

Not so fast, Big Boy.

A “catastrophic failure” of machinery Monday inside the Johnson Brass & Machine Foundry spilled molten metal and injured eight workers, officials said Tuesday.

Four workers remained hospitalized Tuesday, their condition not made public, while three others had been treated and released, police Sgt. Robert Ramthun said in a news release.

Lance Johnson, president of Johnson Brass, said Tuesday the four hospitalized workers did not have life-threatening injuries.

The machine failure occurred around 4 p.m. Monday, causing molten brass to spray inside a room of the sprawling foundry complex, burning the workers and starting a small fire inside the plant …

lancethumbThis is the only picture I could find of Lance Johnson (which really sounds more like a porn star’s name than a fourth generation wealthy industrialist.

So maybe what we need is more inspections, guys, not less.

Remember, Republicans: they’re the molten lava on your back party.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.


May 22, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just when you thought that the Texas Lieutenant Governor’s race could not get any wackier, you realize that you have indeed underestimated the wacky in Dan Patrick’s body.

During a debate between candidates in the lieutenant governor race, an audience member asked state Sen. Dan Patrick (R), who will likely win the election, how much money he would spend to “cool the environment.”

Patrick said he would spend “zero dollars” to combat climate change.

“I understand why Obama thinks he can change the weather — because he thinks he’s God,” he said, as recorded by Raw Story. “He thinks he is the smartest person in the country.

So, Obama thinks he’s God.  Well, I guess that beats being a Socialist Kenyan Muslim Narcoterrorist, which is what Patrick thought the President was yesterday.

Thanks to Deb and Frank for the heads up.

Hell, Even John Cornyn is Mocking The Tea Party

May 22, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator John Cornyn has gotten a little smartie pants about the Tea Party since they took a beating.

On the Twitter Thing, some Tea Party member took to Twitter to say that the Tea Party should have run Katrina Pearson (who ran against and got beat by Pistol Pete Sessions) against “RINO Cornyn.”

Cornyn replied thusly —

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For those unfamiliar with Twit-Speak, Cornyn was mocking the idea by saying, “[Yeah, Buddy, she] Did so great against Pete Sessions.”

And that’s how you know that the Tea Party can’t touch the corporate owned whores of Texas politics.

So the good news is that the stupid Tea Party is dead.  The bad news is that smart greedy bastards beat them.

John A. Kwitkoski, our resident graphics guy, is glad we’ve narrowed down our opponents by letting them eat each other.  That, indeed, helps us narrow our focus in November.



Put A Sock In It

May 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans must be hard up.

George W Bush has taken to raising money for them by hawking socks.

Yeah, socks.  Like, Put a Sock In It, Buddy.

An email went out earlier this week that fell into the hands of Fenway Fran and she just knew that we’d want to know about this helluva deal.  For merely $35, you can buy a semi-official pair of George W Bush socks.

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Okay, here’s the deal.  I know that these socks are going to be made in China by child labor.  I just know that.  However, I am not willing to give $35 to Republicans to prove it.  Plus, I would not for one minute trust them with my credit card.  They’d start a war and use my card to pay for it.

So, if you know any Republicans, bet them $10 that if they order these socks, they will not be Made in America socks.  You make $10 and they make goofy faces.

It’ll work, I tell ya!

Thanks to Fenway Fran for the heads up.

Oh Yeah?

May 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Yeah?

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You wanna tell me how we could do that, McChrystal?  You seems to be the damn expert on blame, Skippy.

Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 11.05.30 AMIt is impossible to overreact to what happened at the VA.   We owe our soldiers a sacred trust.   When that trust is violated, we damn well better overreact.   We damn well better mean business.

McChrystal can kiss my big blue butt.  He would do well to put his political future on a back burner and honor the service and sacrifice of the fighting men and women of America.

If anybody happens to run into McChrystal, please tell him I said “bite me.”  And that I growled.

(Okay, okay, I admit that I might have overreacted just a tiny bit to McChrystal’s self serving and pompous comment, but that guy is General Jerk in my mind.)

Just When You Thought He’d Gone Away: Zombie Tom DeLay

May 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Every single time you think he’s dead, he rises up again to call people names in his very Christian manner.

delaycigarTom DeLay says that Michelle Obama is promoting racism.

Yeah, it’s crazy.

Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay says Michelle Obama is promoting racism when she warns about the return of segregated schools across the United States.

“What she’s pushing for is racism. Michelle Obama and Barack Obama can’t do anything unless there’s a certain amount of race involved in it,” DeLay told “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.

“Frankly, we have improved our public schools all across this nation. We’re spending tons more money than we ever have,” he said Monday.

Honey, when you are reduced from the highest levels of the House of Representatives, to Dancing with the Stars, to the Steve Malzberg Show, it’s time to hang it up.

DeLay continues …

“But mostly around the country race has no part being played in our educational system,” DeLay said.

“They just want to keep that going because it just keeps people motivated to see their point of view, their world of view, and follow them right over the cliff.”

That’s not English.  That’s zombie-talk.  I am sure of it.  That’s “somebody ate your brain talk.”

Thanks to Chamlee for the heads up.