Archive for May, 2014

Fun With Guns: The People of WalMart Edition

May 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

WalMart Warning:  If you hold a license to carry permit, you are allowed one free “accidental” discharge inside the store.

A woman pushing her newborn son in a shopping cart was injured in a freak shooting incident at a Walmart store in Columbus, Ind., according to local media reports.

Police say a .22-caliber pistol fell from the pants of Tony E. Ward on Saturday evening. When the gun hit the floor, it discharged. The bullet missed the baby, but hit a bottle of soda in the cart, then ricocheted and struck the woman in the upper arm — and it all happened while the local chief of police was in the store, according to WBIW.

A licensed gun owner shooting inside a WalMart can no longer be classified as a “freak” accident.  It happened earlier this month in Phoenix.  So, it’s pretty much a “regular” accident.  Or, an accident you can count on.

They are either going to have to pay their people a decent salary or offer target practice for their customers.

Just another free, friendly service from the good people at WalMart.  “Come on in and leave with free bullets in your butt.”

Thanks to Charles for the heads up.

The Place Where Good Ideas Get Born. And Die.

May 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how sometimes you see something and slap yourself on the forehead and ask, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

This is not one of those times.

Glouster, Ohio, is not a place you’d suspect there would be a mess of stoopid ideas.  Why, you’d probably be surprised there’s any ideas at all there.

Customer Richard found the Mother of All Bad Ideas standing proudly, okay standing, in Ohio.

Click on the little one to see the big one.


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If you can’t see it because I felt the need to let you know the entire ambiance, here’s the sign.

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The Brickyard Carry Out and Drive Thru GUNS & AMMO.

And beer.

There’s gotta be beer.

Thank you Richard for the heads up.

Primary Run-Off Day in Texas

May 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’ll be happy to know that on the GOP side for Lt. Guv., Crazy Dan Patrick is beating incumbent David Dewhurst in early voting with 63% of the vote.  Thats a whooping’.  That mean that our Leticia Van De Putte will get to run against a guy who is radical far right.  Look, I don’t mind that Dan Patrick got mental health help 30 years ago.  What I mind is that he ain’t getting it now.

And on the Democratic side, David Alameel is whippin’ Kesha Rogers.  That’s a good thing.

More updates to come…

Texas Tribune calls the Democratic Senate race for Davis Alameel.

AP has declared Dan Patrick the winner.   Thank you Radical Republicans for handing this to us.

And Your Toys Don’t Trump My Children

May 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Joe the Plumber was always a joke.

His name isn’t Joe and he’s not a plumber.  He was just your average doofus who thought his lack of eduction made him Forest Gump.

Until today.  Today he drew the line in the sand to tell the parents who lost children in Santa Barbara that his hobby trumps their children’s lives.

He wrote an open letter to those parents, and found this the right time and place to say —

“In conclusion, I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are going through, having had your child taken away from you,” he wrote. “However, any feelings you have toward my rights being taken away from me, lose those.”

If the devil lives at the very bottom of hell, he’s gonna have to lift his foot to reserve a place for this guy.

If Joe the Plumber (Samuel Wurzelbacher) wants to make that the choice: his personal weakness and fetish or our kids, I’ll be happy to make that the battle.

The one thing he got right – he doesn’t know that pain.  He doesn’t even come close to knowing.

Sorry guys, but I just had to get this off my chest.

Fun With Guns: Oh Sure, Now That You Look Like an Idiot, You’re Sorry Edition

May 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Gary Keihne, the guy running for congress in Arizona who said that 99% of all mass shooters are Democrats?

He’s so sorry.

On Monday, Kiehne issued a public apology and said his comments were inaccurate. He says he shouldn’t have made the remarks without any reservations.

Okay, what exactly would those reservations be?  The “if I look stupid” exception or the “it sounded good at the time” reservation?

And then his opponent, Mr. Crazyhorse Prissypants, retorted with this —

Arizona House Speaker Andy Tobin is also running for the seat and said Kiehne should leave the race after a pattern of “bizarre and deeply offensive” remarks.

Well hell, son, that never stopped a Republican before.

Thanks to Scott for the heads up.


Fun With Guns: Here, Let Me Slap You In The Face Edition

May 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Way to go, NRA pigs.

Republican Tony Strickland is running in California’s 25th congressional district.  The day after the horrifying massacre in California, Tony decides it’s time to double down on gun ownership.  The wrong way.

Screen Shot 2014-05-27 at 9.17.14 AM… voters outside of Los Angeles received a pro-gun robocall from Republican House candidate Tony Strickland a day after a mass shooting at the University of California Santa Barbara. posted audio of the robocall on Saturday, in which Strickland, a candidate for California’s 25th congressional district, touts his commitment to Second Amendment rights and support from pro-gun groups such as the National Rifle Association.

His campaign claims that the calls were scheduled before the shooting.  You can cancel robo calls up until 3 minutes before they go out.

Rule #1:  There is never a right time to deliver a sucky message.

Thanks to David for the heads up.