Okay, South Dakota, You’re In The Running
South Dakota is in the running for crazy town, y’all. Texas will gleefully accept their challenge because we still have Dan Patrick.
They, however, have Annette Bosworth and this guy, Steve Hickey, who is unnaturally obsessing on gay whoopee while serving in the legislature. He wrote a letter to the editor. It was weird.
Certainly there are board-certified doctors in our state who will attest to what seems self-evident to so many: gay sex is not good for the body or mind. Pardon a crude comparison but regarding men with men, we are talking about a one-way alley meant only for the garbage truck to go down. Frankly, I’d question the judgment of doctor who says it’s all fine.
What? I think I know what you mean but why don’t you just say anal sex? That’s a lot less dirty.
I dunno, y’all, but from the looks of this guy he couldn’t get laid at the chicken ranch with a hen under each arm and a fifty dollar bill taped to his forehead.
You’d think he’d be pleased to get any kind of s-e-x, oops, parking the jalopy in the garage.