Thank You, Senator Prissy Pants
Oh dear Lord, Senator Lindsey Graham is just a’ titter about Benghazi again. Since that story never grew legs, Graham is carrying it around and trying to get people to smell it. It don’t stink. Graham, however, does.
Get a load of this caca del toro.
“Our Democratic friends, for the most part, have been in the tank over Benghazi,” the senator said. “Some guy said this about me yesterday on the left: The only reason I cared about this was because I have six tea party opponents. Well, if that’s true, I’m the biggest scumbag in America.”
“I don’t think that’s true; I know it’s not true. It would be almost impossible for Lindsey Graham — given who I am and what I’ve been doing for the last 20 years — not to care about those in harm’s way, who get killed, and not go on to hold the administration accountable that lied about it.”
“The scumbags are the people in the White House who lied about this.”
Keepin’ it classy, Senator Petulant.
Thanks to Brian E for the heads up.