Archive for May, 2014

Maybe Not So Much

May 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bless Rick Perry’s heart.

A recent interview and a planned political trip to the nation’s first caucus state might be construed as signs Texas Gov. Rick Perry is tipping his hand on a second presidential run.

During a May 4 interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, Perry confessed to botching his first run at the White House, but then said, “I think America is a place that believes in second chances.”

Uh, you might ask Dan Quayle, Anthony Wiener, and Newt Gingrich about that.

There ain’t no comeback from dumb.

Holy Crap: God Forms a PAC Edition

May 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I suspect y’all don’t know about this.  I certainly didn’t.  But it appears that God has formed a political action committee.

To be honest, I thought God had done this before but used a pseudonym.  Apparently not.  Nope, God uses his own name.  Click the form to see it normally.



God Jesus Elect Howard Worthy State Senator is going to look so cool on his disclaimer at the bottom of his campaign materials.

I guess I’m pretty glad that God is officially in the campaign business now.  At least we have a shot at getting Him to say that He does not support Ted Cruz.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.


Louie! It’s You!

May 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Louie Gohmert is in Iowa.

gohmert1Speaking at a rally in Iowa for Republican Senate candidate Sam Clovis on Friday, Gohmert recalled that he had initially been blamed after Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) had shouted “You lie!” during President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address in 2009.

“Somebody yells ‘You lie!’ and the camera goes on me!” he told the crowd, adding that he “knew” the president wasn’t telling the truth about an immigration bill.

Louie, Honey, any time somebody does something crazy, everybody looks at you.  It’s just our knee-jerk reaction.

And it’s because of crapola like this.  While speaking to the crowd, you said about the Constitution of the United Damn States of America, “It only is fit for people who cling to their God and their guns, you know?”

No, I don’t know that.

I swear by all that is holy that I do not know that.

I never even got drunk and believed that.

Hell, Louie, you’re the craziest damfool on earth.  Own it.  Be proud of it.

You Know How It Is …

May 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

… when a song gets in your head and you can’t stop humming it all day long?  And it makes you crazy but you can’t stop it?

Obamacare.  Same deal.  Republicans only, though.

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 1.03.58 PMThe Tennessee lawmaker who compared Obamacare’s individual mandate to Nazis deporting Jews to concentration camps thinks his critics missed the point.

State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) caused a stir Monday morning when he wrote on his personal blog that “Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of manditory sign ups for ‘train rides’ for Jews in the 40s.”

To his credit, Campfield later added that his statement was misconstrued and he didn’t mean it the Nazi way at all.  Not at all.  He meant it the whole other way, you know, like …. hell, I’m looking at you because I don’t know what the other way is.

“I regret that some people miss the point of my post. It was not to offend. It was to warn,” he explained.

Well, there ya go.  It’s MY mistake.  Train rides for Jews in the 40s is not offensive at all.  He just says it when he wants to warn us.  Probably because he can’t spell “Look out!”  And you have to admit that “Look out!  There’s health care coming!” doesn’t work up the proper fear people need to have.

Thank you, Tennessee, for taking the heat off Texas today.

Tucker Carlson’s Childhood Fantasies.

May 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, this is a tad nauseating so I hope you didn’t just eat.

Tucker Carlson says every little boy’s dream is to have hoochy koochy with his teacher.  Speaking of a recent ace where a teacher performed a lap dance for a 15 year old boy, Tucker said she should not be punished.  Apparently, perversion is a desirable trait in Tucker’s women.

Oh yeah, Tucker Carlson.

The women are upset and the man understands, and here’s the bottom line: A 15-year-old boy is not a 15-year-old girl, and so – I got a lot of mail about this – every man understands this,” Carlson said. “A 15-year-old boy looks at this as, like, the greatest thing that ever happened, and I think for a 15-year-old girl it would be traumatic. That’s just real.

After all, if a woman is not a seductress, then what is her worth?  Tucker, that judge of all things female, could not help himself.

Carlson said the teacher, in his estimation, was hot “enough,”…

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 11.33.07 AMLet me be the first to suggest that any woman willing to do the dirty with Tucker would be, in his estimation, hot “enough.”

Now I do understand that Tucker’s biscuits ain’t golden brown and his elevator doesn’t get to the top floor, but I think he should keep his sexual fantasies to himself.  I think he makes his wife dress up like a school marm and whip him every night.  Or maybe makes him write “Tucker is a bad, bad boy” on the backboard 100 times.

Don’t those guys know that we’re giggling at them?


Local Stuff: The YMCA and Crap

May 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’ve mentioned before that my friend Evalyn is running for Mayor of my small hometown.  Mayor Moore has give money to Democratic candidates and that is considered a large sin by her opponent, who, ironically makes a living by taking money from candidates because he’s a highly paid Republican political consultant.

She’s a giver and he’s a taker.  In more ways than I can count.

He has a new mailer this week.  Take a look at it.  Here it is in PDF format.


This arrived at my home last Friday.  It also appeared as a half page ad in the local newspaper. I am a 25 year member of my local YMCA.  Even though Bubba and I don’t use it much since the kids are grown, we pay our family membership dues because our local Y is important to our community.

This mailer attempts to make it look like Gary Gillen, who is so slick that he can’t keep his socks up, is endorsed by the YMCA.

Yeah, I could bite nails in half.  Bubba has to pour water on me just to keep me from bursting into flames.   A letter on YMCA letterhead written one month before a hotly contested mayoral race and published during early voting one week before election day is meant to look like an endorsement letter.

I know for a damn fact that phone lines are sparking all over town.  I have two friends on the Board of Directors for local Y’s and they are livid.  The people I have talked to at the Y say they are meeting today to decide what to do.  It better be swift and it better be strong or candidates will know that the punishment comes after the election and it’s not all that bad.

Gary Gillen knows for a fact that what he did is wrong.  He was willing to risk the YMCA losing their tax-exempt status to promote his own political future.  And he did it on the backs of poor children.

He’s going to hell.

Thelma told me, “Honey, look at the mess he’s made.  He hasn’t even been elected yet and he’s already made a mess.”   She’s right.