Tom DeLay lives within spitting distance of me, an opportunity I take advantage of as often as I can.
So Ole Tom, whose felony charge is currently under review and not dismissed like he’s telling people, isn’t getting a lot of calls from people who seek his advice. And he’s run so many scams and ripoffs since he left Congress that local waiters ask for their tip upfront.
So, he’s latched on to Cliven Bundy. DeLay says that Cliven Bundy is standing up for the rule of law.
“He doesn’t owe the federal government anything because he doesn’t recognize that the federal government can come take his livelihood away from him and he’s standing up for the rule of law, the real law, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and fighting against what is happening to him,” DeLay said.
I want to say something here. The land that Cliven Bundy is illegally using is my land. It belongs to me and it belongs to you. You can’t go claim the Grand Canyon as your own just because it’s a national park and you don’t recognize the federal government. You may also not recognize the sun, but it’s still gonna shine on you.
So, let’s say I decide not to recognize state property laws because I don’t recognize Texas as long as Governor Duh is there. If Tom says it’s okay for Cliven to take my land, then it must be okay for me to take Tom’s land. Right?
Actual picture of Cowboy Tom and The Mrs.
So, I’ll be commencing to grazing my donkey, who is appropriately named Donkey Oatie (say it fast out loud) on the lawn of Tom’s swankienda in Sweetwater. And since Tom is currently a convicted felon and cannot legally carry a firearm in Texas, I guess I can defend myself with a slingshot and a can of Aqua Net Hair Spray.
And if the grazing goes over as well as I suspect, Tom could make some money dancin’ on his front lawn … with the stars.
Thanks to Don A. for the heads up.