Well, Ain’t That Pitiful?
I think we’re going to start having Pitiful Tuesday, where we all look at the most pitiful Republican and say, “Bless his heart.”
This week is Karl Rove. He’s pitiful because he keeps saying that Hillary Clinton has brain damage. Here’s the pitiful part: even if she does, that just proves that even people with brain damage are smarter than Karl Rove.
The official diagnosis was a blood clot. Rove told the conference near LA Thursday, “Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that.”
And here’s the other pitiful part: he thinks he’s a doctor. Dumb and delusional is not a winning combination. Even in Texas. Okay, sometimes in Texas. Just not always.
Y’all, that’s pitiful. Bless his heart.
Come on, everybody – bless. his. heart.