Archive for April, 2014


April 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was going to write about this, but I can’t beat Bob.


Ya Think They Might Be All Baptist Men?

April 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Houston Area Pastor Council is having a little luncheon at Houston Baptist University.


Ass covered in white sauce will be served for Lunch


Ass covered with white sauce will be served for lunch.

Thanks to Greg for the heads up.

Just When You Thought That Texas Republicans Couldn’t Possibly Ever In a Million Years Embarrass Themselves More

April 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They can.  Oh yes they can.

The political consulting firm run by Republican Allen Blakemore has been hired by both the Dan Patrick and Greg Abbott campaigns, two Republican men who are both running against Democratic females Wendy Davis and Leticia Van De Putte.

Blakemore’s consulting firm formed a PAC and registered it with the Texas Ethics Commission.  The name of the PAC?  Boats ‘N Hoes PAC


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Not only did they form this PAC, they strutted it in public.  And, it’s not like they haven’t had problems with the Hoes before now.

“Greg Abbott’s consultants are clearly taking their cues from Abbott himself, who campaigns with an admitted sexual predator of underage girls, who pays women less than men for doing the same work and who forms his education plan with the ideas of a man like Charles Murray, who argues women are inferior to men,” said Davis spokeswoman Rebecca Acuña.

Speaking as a Ho, I feel it is my duty to remind the Republicans that their entire statewide ticket is all male, all white, all straight, and all wealthy.   I thought they couldn’t limbo estrogen any lower, but bless their hearts, they are putting some heavy duty work into insulting women and dragging their own knuckles.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.



April 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This billboard is on US 290 in Washington County, Texas.

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All the words are spelled correctly, which seems suspicious to me.  However, none of us here at the Beauty Salon can figure out what it means.

Your suggestions would be appreciated.  There’s not much help on their website.  At all.

(By the way, it says it’s “Paid for by Washington County Republicans.”  That’s peculiar because you have to report expenditures of over $500 to the Texas Ethics Commission.  There is no Washington County Republicans reporting.  There is, however, Washington County Republican Party, who filed their last report in 2008 saying they have zero money.  Zero.)

Thanks to Cecil and Vickie for the heads up.

That Explains a Lot

April 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Donald Rumsfeld?  You know, the guy who made up a war on false information, got 4,485 Americans killed, and totally tanked our economy?

That same doofus is complaining that he doesn’t understand how to do his taxes.

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Yes, every year Donald Rumsfeld writes a letter to the IRS saying that his taxes are too complicated for him to understand.  Hey, Skippy, there’s a solution for that.  Follow in the steps of Jesus and give away your millions of dollars.  Then your IRS form is just one page long.

White whine.

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It is always fun to see a man who has spent the vast majority of his life in the catbird’s seat of government complain about … the government.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: The Liquored-Up Gun Totin’ Country Club Edition

April 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a saying that the only thing that keeps Texas from falling into the Gulf of Mexico is that Oklahoma sucks.

And now even more.

From movie theaters to bowling alleys to golf clubs, consumers are accustomed to destinations that come with a full restaurant and bar.

But what about a gun range?

A new Metro business, slated to open this spring, is taking the steps needed to serve liquor on-site.

Hey, they could install a cigarette machine and have their own Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms tee-shirts.

atf_hat_lgSwanson says shooting complexes that offer customers more than just a range to shoot from is the way of the future.

“That is where the shooting sport is headed,” he said.

Honey, Honey, Honey, that’s the way shooting has always been headed.  You don’t think Dick Cheney shot his friend in the face while stone cold sober, do ya now?

Next up:  Surgical centers with a bar for the doctors.

Thanks to Don in Huaco for the heads up.