You need to sit down because this will surely come as a great shock to you. Turns out that Cliven Bundy is a big ole racist.
Cliven Bundy worries about “the Negros.” He once drove past a public housing project in North Las Vegas. In that one moment, he became an expert on “the Negro.” He says they rely on “government handouts” because “they never learned to pick cotton.”
“And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
Yep, “the Negros” had more freedom as slaves.
Holy cow, politicians started running around so fast that they could have played pitcher and catcher at the same time. Ho boy, Honey, they were making ruts in rock trying to get away.
Senator Rand Paul, bless that way too curly mess on his head, sent a spokesman out to say that he disagrees with “the racist statements.” That leads me to suspect he didn’t know exactly what was racist about it.
And now comes the Texas part. You knew there had to be a Texas part, right? I mean, Texas never plays second string when it comes to honing in on the crazy.
Our GOP Gubernatorial candidate, Greg Abbott, jumped on the Bundy bandwagon early on, trying to bring it home to Texas in a phony made-up brawl.
The dispute spilled over this week into Texas, where Greg Abbott, the attorney general and a Republican running for governor, challenged the Bureau of Land Management on reports that it was looking to claim thousands of acres along the Red River.
Now Abbott is trying to escape by saying that his position had nothing to do with Cliven Bundy. Yeah, well, it doesn’t now that Bundy kept the bark on the tree. By tomorrow, Abbott will claim that he’s never even heard of Cliven Bundy and never mind about that land on the Red River.
Now, if you don’t need any more proof that this whole militia movement is about re-fighting the Civil War, you ain’t locked down good. You just ain’t.