Archive for April, 2014

Equal Pay Day

April 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today is Equal Pay Day in Texas.  It marks the day where women’s salaries finally equal men’s from the previous year.  In Texas, women doing the same job with the same experience and the same education make 79 cents for every dollar a man makes.


During the last legislative session, State Representative Senfronia Thompson got bi-partisan support for the Texas version of the Lilly Ledbetter Act.  It passed overwhelmingly.

Rick Perry vetoed it.  He said that Macy’s and Kroger’s asked him to, and Rick always does what his corporate overlords ask of him.  That’s because we have scientific proof that Rick Perry is an idiot.

Join Senfronia Thompson and a boatload of women in Houston today to kick some dirt and cause a storm.  My county will be marking the day with a press conference at 6:00pm

A woman in Texas should not have to pay a ta-ta tax.  This crap is gonna stop.

Congressional Crap: Kissy Face Edition

April 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s from Louisiana and they have movies.

Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 3.42.50 PMFifth District Congressman Vance McAllister, who campaigned for office last fall as a devout Christian and devoted husband and father, was caught in video surveillance two days before Christmas passionately embracing and kissing one of his congressional aides.

It happened on December 23rd of last year.  Yeah, two days before the birth of little baby Jesus.

Oh, but this one has an extra added treat.

McAllister’s campaign benefited from support from the Robertson family of “Duck Dynasty” fame. Phil Robertson publicly supported McAllister while Willie Robertson endorsed McAllister in a YouTube video. Also, Willie Robertson recorded “robo” calls on behalf of McAllister’s campaign.

In January, Willie Robertson attended President Obama’s State of the Union address in Washington as McAllister’s guest.

The fun part of this is that both the woman involved and her husband both donated $5,200 his McAllister’s political campaign and have been business partners and friends for years.



Holy Crap: Whoopie Edition

April 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mega churches may not be a hell hole of adultery but they sure have real bad luck with having pastors who can keep their zippers up.

The latest is in Florida

11BobCoy_400_124762785The senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale has resigned after confessing to cheating on his wife, according to WPLG Miami.

Calvary is one of the largest churches in Florida, with some 20,000 members who worship in 10 locations across the state.

Bob Coy, who is 58 years old and should know better, had no statement, thank goodness.

Yeah, All This Fight Needed Was Some Stars and Bars

April 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya know, there are some damn crazy people in Texas who think they are characters in a Zane Gray novel.

C.J. Grisham is the leader of Open Carry Texas.  He organized the protest at the San Antonio Police Department in favor of open carry.  The vast majority of Texas police chiefs oppose open carry.


If you will click on the little picture to get the big one and then click again to get the holy cow that’s big picture, you will notice that Ole C.J. has deputized himself and got a badge of some sort.  They say that you cannot judge a man by the clothes, but in this case I think you safely can.

What pickles my nose the most, though, is the young man on the left with his pants tucked in his boots.  My best guess is that he couldn’t afford a car so he bought expensive boots to impress the girls.  A cowboy once told me that when a drugstore cowboy tucks his pants in his boots its so that he can wet his pants without a making a tell-tell puddle the first time he sees an actual bull.

If this young man wants to carry a military grade weapon, why the hell ain’t he in the military?  And if he wants to carry a confederate flag, why the hell ain’t he dead and buried on a battlefield in Virginia?

I have a real problem with this.  This isn’t even within shouting distance of how people in a civilized society ought to act.  That kid doesn’t appear to be … I dunno, educable material?  He has no business carrying two guns.  He looks like somebody who could win a grudge carrying contest.

This morning, Texas Senate Committee on Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security is holding a hearing that will take up three charges, two of which are related to border security, the third is rather vague, it reads: “Study and make recommendations on removing barriers to Second Amendment Rights, including but not limited to open carry legislation. Consider other state laws related to open carry.”

C.J. and his buddies are scheduled to testify and so is the NRA.  Some folks got wind of this and the Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America demanded to be allowed to testify.

Kick ass, Moms.

Thanks to Stephanie for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: Beauty Shop Edition

April 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So People Magazine ran a contest featuring people who are beautiful at any age (Real Beauty At Any Age) and Bob Farris is plenty upset that his lovely bride did not win.



Bob is pitchin’ himself a wall eyed snot nosed hissy fit because he says his wife was rejected for posing with a firearm.

That is ridiculous.  Take it from a professional – she got rejected because Perky Plum lipstick never goes with Jasmine Wine blush.  You cannot mix food groups in your makeup application.  That’s the first lesson they teach you at Mary Kay.

Yeah, Thelma didn’t win either.  I think it may have been the size 26 leopard leotards or the fact that by the time we got her hair in the picture there wasn’t room for much else.

Thanks to Charles for the heads up.

Oh Virginia, It’s Catching You!

April 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The issue is about “using public land to develop 1,000-1,500 units of affordable housing on a 3-5-year timetable for families earning $30,000-$50,000 a year.”

A little known fact:  people who support that are going to burn in hell.

Screen Shot 2014-04-06 at 10.08.42 AMIn a debate with the upcoming county board candidates, one of them, Stephen W.C. Holbrook, is powerfully upset that … well, it’s hard to tell amid the words he says but he’s just real certain that burning in hell is involved and even sent Cardinal Dolan a “strongly worded” email attesting to such hell burning.  I do not know what Cardinal Dolan has to do with housing in Virginia but I suspect he might be an expert of the burning in hell part.

Mr. Holbrook is also not real happy with Baptist.  It’s unclear if he thinks they’re going to burn in in hell but he certain thinks they are a dirty bunch.  Following a debate in the  St. John’s Baptist Church, where candidates were urged to support the low income housing, Mr Holbrook announced …

“I am a Catholic and that meeting in that church was the first time I ever went into a church and came out feeling dirty and that there was evil in that church. I thought that God was going to send down a lighting bolt unto those church leaders and their people and I didn’t want to be around them.”

“It took me two days and several baths to get the smell of greed and sin off of me but the other people there will go to hell for what they do and their church leaders are to blame,” Holbrook continued.

Okay, I guess I was wrong about him being unclear about Baptist burning in hell.  He’s pretty clear about that.  There’s fire involved.

Oh, and by the way, teachers are going to burn in hell, too.

Holbrook blames the teachers group for the county’s increased spending on public schools, which he opposes.

“The teachers’ union has already bitten the forbidden apple by showing their willingness to take unearned taxpayers’ assets for their vote for the Democratic candidate here and they will burn in Hell for their sinful deeds,” he writes.

Okay, so we have teachers, Baptist, people who favor affordable housing, and I am certain there is a bus driver or two who have pissed him off.  It’s gonna be a pretty decent size bonfire, folks.  It might be worth a trip with grandma and the kids to see it.

Thanks to Monty for the heads up.