Archive for March, 2014

But You’ll Have Lower Taxes!

March 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m certainly no economic genius but I have learned that there truly is no such thing as a free lunch.  Somebody is gonna pay.

The good folks in Oklahoma seem unaware of that.  They think they can cut taxes like a nuclear powered weedeater set to turbo and still have governmental services.

I know the Tea Party and crabgrass has taken hold of Oklahoma but I cannot figure out why they think lower taxes will give them a safer infrastructure.  Case in point:

Screen Shot 2014-03-23 at 11.56.34 AMThe Oklahoma Department of Transportation closed the 76-year-old James C. Nance Memorial Bridge on Jan. 31 for emergency repairs after finding 10 cracks and 260 potential flaws. Repair crews had hoped to open the span by Easter but more cracks appeared after repairs began, pushing the completion date back to June.

Travel between the towns now goes through Norman, about 15 miles to the north, or across a bridge near Byars, about 20 miles southeast, that many say is in worse shape than the shuttered span. Motorists who contributed to the 9,000 crossings daily on the closed bridge have been encouraged to allow for an extra hour to move between the towns.

So you’re gonna have to pay for lunch one way or the other.  You can do it the easy way by paying with money or the hard way by washing dishes all day.  Or you can do both.

City Manager Dale Bunn said Purcell is losing $150,000 to $200,000 in monthly sales tax revenue and that some retailers have reported a 50 percent drop in business.

“We believe the state is doing all it can safely for the bridge. However, what can they do for the businesses, Purcell Municipal Hospital and the lost city sales tax that is estimated to be down painfully for a community our size?” Bunn said.

So, now they have to pay to fix the bridge that’s in horrible shape because it was neglected and as an extra added treat to brought to you by small government, you can lose 50% of your income.

Now, tell me, Tea Party, were your taxes 50% of your income?

But, they want “the state” to come rescue them and their free market businesses.  I say make an example of them.  You know, we can take the Tea Party’s attitude on this: screw ‘um.

Damn, this is kinda fun.

Thanks to Mark for the heads up.

Oh Dew, Do We Need To Do a Food Drive?

March 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For you people from foreign states, David Dewhurt is the Lt. Governor of Texas and is in a run-off in the GOP primary to keep his damn job.

Politics takes a toll on your bank account.  Or your brain.  In this case, it’s hard to decide which.

Look what the Federal Elections Commission just sent him.   Here’s the meat of the report.  Click the little one to get the big one.

Screen Shot 2014-03-23 at 9.55.04 AM

So either he’s real bad at money management or real bad at math.

Either way, he’s gonna get his butt handed to him on a platter in the run-off or in November .

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

Holy Crap: Billy, Honey, Get Ahold of that Girl

March 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Billy Graham’s daughter is wondering if the missing airplane might look like the Apocalypse.

The author and evangelist said she can’t help but wonder if its disappearance is similar to events forecast in Thessalonians 4:17, when true believers will be taken from Earth by God to Heaven.

Thankfully, she believe that more that 239 people will be considered Christians.

There is coming a moment in time when Jesus will come back to gather to Himself all those — dead and alive — who have put their trust in Him,” Lotz wrote. “And on that day, the world will be asking, Where have all the people gone? Not just 239 of us, but millions of us.”

But, she still believes in the zombie apocalypse.

Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.


And If He Ain’t In The Mood What Am I Supposed To Do? Force Viagra Down His Throat?

March 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh yeah, a Mitch McConnell Fundraiser speaker.

Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 1.55.24 PMWriting on in December of 2008, Prager compares a man’s obligation to go to work, regardless of his “mood,” to a woman’s obligation to have sex with her husband.

“Why would a loving, wise woman allow mood to determine whether or not she will give her husband one of the most important expressions of love she can show him? What else in life, of such significance, do we allow to be governed by mood?” he writes.

Is there any other way that Mitch would get whoopee?

Thanks to Stephen for the heads up.

Texas Democrats

March 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s not too late to attend your senatorial or county convention.  Gubernatorial year conventions are my favorite because it’s not so crowded, you aren’t being confronted with all the people wanting to be delegates to national conventions and, by gawd, whoop-te-do reigns.  This year it will be in Dallas the last weekend in June.  And, yes, I will be there raising hell.

But first you have to attend your convention tomorrow all over Texas.  Click here to find your convention and show the hell up.  Even if you’re not going to the state convention, you need to attend your county or senatorial convention to meet folks and find out what’s going on.

If you’re at the state convention, I am asking you to support the re-election of Gilberto Hinojosa for state party chairman.  He’s done a helluva job and deserves a second term.


Yes, I know that Fred Phelps Died Today. I’m Doing the Meanest Thing I Can Do To Him. I Ignoring Him.

March 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized