I’d Be Willing To Do It, But Now I’m Scared
Most of you know that Texas Congressfool Steve Stockman is running against Senator John Cornyn for the highly undistinguished honor of being the Republican nominee for Senate in Texas.
Cornyn’s people dug up an old mug shot of Stockman and started putting it all over town.
Stockman was arrested in 1977 for felony possession of valium. The case was dismissed and Stockman says the record was expunged.
I didn’t say anything about it because I know plenty folks who made some mistakes and then turned themselves around and have lived a distinguished and honorable life. I figured it would backfire on Cornyn.
But, noooooooo. Stockman couldn’t just explain and let it be. He had to threaten someone.
Stockman probably needs that valium now.
He’s gone batcrap crazy and is threatening to file criminal charges against anyone who posts his mug shot on the internet machine. You know, this one.
Oh yeah, batcrap crazy.
Michigan’s 43rd Judicial District Clerk stated Stockman was never convicted of any charge and the documents were supposed to have been destroyed in 1978. Another Michigan official has advised Stockman he has grounds to file criminal complaints against any person or media organization that published the documents.
Well, that does it. I will not publish his mugshot on my internet page. Not me. I kinda figure this picture isn’t worth actual criminal charges being filed against me.
So, you know, I will not post it.
Now, if I knew some lawyers, I might just start putting it in women’s restrooms all over Michigan. And by “it”, I mean this.
But, since I do not know any lawyers, at least not any who would go to Michigan for me, I will have to be content with just looking at other people’s internet page with this picture. You know, this one.
I’m sorry that Steve Stockman got in my face and issued a challenge to have me arrested in Michigan and I backed down. I know you’re disappointed in me. But, I just figure the picture isn’t worth going to jail over. You know, this one.