Archive for March, 2014

Fun With Guns: Well Heck, It’s Worked For Everyone Else

March 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know that Houston is way down south and it takes a while for trends to get there, but a woman took this whole “accidentally shot” thing out for a test drive.

It’s 10:00 at night and the police get called to a house where they find a dead man with a shotgun blast to his chest along with his ex-girlfreind who was in the process of moving out because they had a fight that day.

Screen Shot 2014-03-06 at 3.26.52 PMPolice said the woman was moving boxes and other items when a shotgun went off, wounding the man.

The woman also told police she was moving out due to an argument she had with her boyfriend earlier in the day.

I simply cannot tell you how many times my shotgun has discharged all on its own while I was picking up a box.  And even with 360 degrees all around it, it always manages to find that 10 degrees that someone I just had a fight with occupies.  Damnest thing you ever saw.

The police were apparently unimpressed with this act of God.  They took her downtown for questioning.

Then there’s this.

Anyone with information in this case is urged to contact the HPD Homicide Division.

I dunno.  I heard that Rice University has some pretty good physicists.  Maybe they have information.

Thanks to Bobbie for the heads up.


March 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

How you know that CPAC has officially become a parody of itself?  Honey, they have taken that train off the rails.

They think Grover Norquist is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Doesn't look so bad now, does he?

Doesn’t look so bad now, does he?

On February 11, 2014, ten influential national security practitioners– including former Congressman Allen West, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, former CIA Director Jim Woolsey, former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Schmitz and others– sent a letter to American Conservative Union board member Cleta Mitchell, urging her and her colleagues to take action against Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan, two ACU members who have for years been running influence operations against conservatives on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist causes.

Personally, I think they are on a quest to insure that history remembers Joe McCarthy as “not such a bad dude.”

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

Thank You Oh Goddess of Nectar, Honey and Stockman

March 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Although in the senate race he got beat on the head so badly that he has to unzip his pants to see out, Steve Stockman swears he’ll be back.  Kinda just like the black plague.

“We had fun, and we’ll probably do statewide again,” Stockman said in an interview with the Dallas Morning News on Wednesday, less than 24 hours after the Texas primary where Stockman received what might conservatively be called a shellacking against Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) in the Republican primary.

Frankly, getting arrested again for valium in your pants sounds a lot more productive, fun, and promising.  And it would certainly get more positive press coverage than his political career did.

We here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., are going to miss Steve.  We’d love to see him go to work as an aide for Louie Gohmert or Lady Gaga.


Oh Y’all, We Are So Lucky

March 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tom DeLay has finally found work.  I know.  It was scary there for a while.  We were kinda scared he’d be living on the streets, stealing blankets from old people.

The Washington Times is a written Fox news.  The newspaper was founded and owned by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church, who by all accounts, ruled the editorial position of the newspaper.

And now, they have hired Tom DeLay.

TomDelay_Record_2Tom DeLay, once one of the most powerful officials in Washington, will join The Washington Times as a weekly columnist and radio personality.

Starting this week, Mr. DeLay will appear on a weekly on-demand radio show with Andy Parks, who separately hosts “Live from the Washington Times” on WRC AM-1260 on weekdays. Mr. DeLay’s 30-minute program will be streamed on the Kaliki-based, on-demand radio network that was recently established in partnership with The Times.

Mr. DeLay will elaborate on the themes he develops on air into a weekly column for The Times.

Hey, it’s a step down from Dancing With the Stars, but a step up from stealing kids’ lunch money, his former job.

Thanks to Jay for the heads up and John for the graphic.

Fun With Guns: I Wanna Be Just Like Daddy Edition

March 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A Texan visits Oklahoma City and decides he needs some new duds for the Jason Aldean concert.

Jason Aldean

Jason Aldean

So, he drops by that haute fashion house, Bass Pro Shops, to buy something to catch the ladies’ eyes.  He is with his five year old son in the dressing room when he takes off his gun to try something on.

The five year old picks up the gun, shooting himself in the finger and his dad in the leg.

Oklahoma City police did not charge the father.

Because reckless endangerment is apparently not a crime in Oklahoma.

Bass Pro Shops is denying all responsibility for attracting butt ignorant shoppers.  They issued a statement.

“Bass Pro Shops is committed to our customers’ well-being should an emergency arise. This is why each Bass Pro Shops store has a dedicated operations support department and a manger on duty every hour that a store is open. In the event of an emergency, our protocol requires immediately contacting the appropriate first responder. In addition, we strive to maintain good working relationships with local first responders in markets where we operate.”

In other words, “If one of our damfool customers lets his 5 year old shoot you, we we will find the store manager and instruct him to call 911.

Thanks to Brian and Mark for the heads up.

Holy Crap: Kissing Cousins Edition

March 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have to stop for a minute to tell y’all something.  Pat Robertson needs to be taken to the rest home and allowed to graze.

Here’s his latest.  It’s okay for cousins to marry if God tells them to – just so long they don’t have “mongoloid” children.

pat_robertsonOh Sweet Jesus, please go have a chat with that man.  Answering a letter from a viewer who said that a friend of hers felt that God wanted her to marry her cousin, Robertson answered …

“There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can’t marry your first cousin. Here you say everybody’s in favor of it. Alright, go for it.”

But the TV preacher added a final warning to “check the genetics.”

“You don’t want to have some mongoloid child,” Robertson noted, but immediately admitted that he shouldn’t use the term.

You know, I can’t call the scripture, but I am pretty damn certain that there’s something in the Bible that says you should not be an idiot.