Archive for February, 2014

Do Not Copy My Homework

February 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The problem with Looneytarians is that they wake up in a new world everyday … and forget the mistakes they made before.

Rand Paul lives in the movie Groundhog Day where he keeps trying to steal without getting caught.  Every morning he wakes up and thinks, “I’m smarter than everyone else.  I am.  They were just lucky when the caught me plagiarizing before.  I can do it this time.”

And he does it.  And he gets caught.

Remember the lawsuit Paul filed against the NSA?  He stole it.  From a damn lawyer.  That is the zenith of colossal dumb.

100520_rand_paul_ap_218Since December, the libertarian lawmaker, a tea party favorite, had been working with former Reagan administration lawyer Bruce Fein to draft a class-action suit seeking to have the National Security Agency’s surveillance of telephone data declared unconstitutional; the two men appeared together as early as last June to denounce the NSA’s activities.

But when Paul filed his suit at the U.S. District Court in Washington on Wednesday morning, Fein’s name had been replaced with that of Ken Cuccinelli, the failed Republican gubernatorial candidate in Virginia who until last month had been the state’s attorney general. […]

Fein, who has not been paid for his legal work by Paul’s political action committee, was furious that he had been omitted from the filing he wrote.

Fein was not a joyous writ twit.

However, shame on him for ignoring the libertarian code of ethics:  if you steal from someone, it’s really their fault because they were not smart enough to keep you from doing it.  And freedom.

Survival of the fittest, dude.  Social Darwinism.  Lazy butted bum.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

But They Don’t Have an Attic That Big

February 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In the south, we used to put the crazy relatives in the attic.  The GOP isn’t so lucky.  They have to keep Louie Gohmert and Steve Stockman in the parlor.

A group of House Republicans has received a mysterious threat in recent weeks: an anonymous email that promises political retribution for those who vote yes to a debt-limit increase – sent to their closely guarded personal email addresses.

Because of the near-secret nature of lawmakers’ internal email addresses, the emails have raised more than a few eyebrows – and the possibility that one of their own was behind, or at least assisting in, the attacks.

I am not surprised.

Ted Cruz got to be the leader of the GOP … by criticizing the GOP.  Whoa, I’m getting dizzy.

When are Republicans going to realize that the only thing that keeps them off the terrorist list is a couple of bombs?

But upon further reflection, some elected lawmakers came to the conclusion that one of their own sent the screed, but no one takes it too seriously because the message was “probably” sent by “one of the crazy ones.”

And that’s the problem.  There’s so many of them.


Thanks to Barbara for the heads up and John for the graphic.

Cringe Creep

February 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I hate Rush Limbaugh worse than the devil hates holy water.

He’s the sorriest excuse for a man I’ve ever known about.

And now he’s staring at the First Lady’s behind.

“There is Michelle Obama and the $12,000 gown by Carolina Herrera, and the French president Hollande is in the middle, and there’s Obama. You’ll notice that this dress is bigger than the president of France. Here, let me make one more adjustment here and I’ll show you this again. Take a look at that picture. The little guy in the middle is the socialist dictator — well, not dictator. He’s the socialist president of France. On the left, that’s not Oprah. Don’t confuse that. That’s Michelle Obama. I saw a picture of this from the rear. That’s why I thought it was Oprah. I did.”

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President Hollande is 5 foot 6.  (Although I’ve heard he’s taller laying down.)  President Obama is 6 foot 1.  The First Lady is 5 foot perfect.

So, Jaba the Limbaugh is making physical appearance jokes?  Yeah, cause every woman in the world wants to physically pleasing to Rush Limbaugh.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Stoned Cold Facts

February 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a little bit of information that may kinda surprise you.

Public Policy Polling did some polling last September in Texas and discovered something they didn’t expect.  Texans think Willie Nelson may be on to something.

Even though the poll was skewed Republican, 58% of Texans favor medical marijuana and 61% favored reducing possession to a civil offense with a $100 fine.

Now here’s the part that got my attention.  The polls ran white, older, and Republican.

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 Wendy Davis favors medical marijuana and that’s a good thing.

Thanks to Ed for the heads up.

I Told You It Was Contageous

February 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They have done caught a bad case of chronic Gohmerts in England.

Women are being wrongly warned during counselling sessions at allegedly “independent” clinics that an abortion could lead to serious health damage, including an increased risk of breast cancer and a propensity to sexually abuse children, The Telegraph can disclose.

It can also make you like Monty Python and Piers Morgan.  And give you a high propensity to sexually abuse the Queen of England.

Oh my word.  Can you even imagine what would happen if Michelle Bachmann finds out about this?  It would be all she could talk about for a full damn year.

Thanks to Sharon for the heads up.


Fun With Guns: Where Grammar Matters Edition

February 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s a complicated story about a shooting that injured a man ice fishing on Cobboseecontee Stream last Sunday.

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 12.14.19 PMThat’s in Maine, which is only in the United States by geographic accident.

It seems that Bryan Hickey maybe accidentally shot Scott Fraley.  Hickey was out “shooting” and even through ice fishing as far a I know, which admittedly ain’t much, does not require a whole lot of movement.  I think maybe you just sit there freezing like a witch’s boob in a brass bra in the Klondike.    That make it real hard to step in front of a bullet.

But the real story is here:

“It was a gunshot wound to the head. It sounds like it was superficial,” District Game Warden Robert Decker said.

So now you are on your own to decide what was superficial – was it the gunshot or the head?

In my mind, anyone ice fishing in Maine in February leaves themselves open to that question.

By the way, did you know that it’s illegal to hun on Sunday’s in Maine?  Yeah, neither did I.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.