Oh Yeah, We’re For Equal Pay as Long as You Don’t Actually Do It
Remember smiley Cathy McMorris Rodgers who gave the “official” Republican response to President Obama’s SOTU?
Oh such a nice smile. And women should always smile a lot when they are talking so they don’t seem too aggressive. Which is my way of telling you to never trust a woman who smiles when she says something horrible or controversial because she’s trying to be loved instead of right. A theory that Cathy sweetly proves for me.
She says she is all for equal pay for equal work. Yep, all for that stuff.
Well, except when you want to actually do it.
But McMorris Rodgers actually voted against laws meant to address the pay disparity between men and women four times. She voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act twice, which lengthened the time for victims of pay discrimination to file a complaint. She also voted twice against the Paycheck Fairness Act….
Say cheese, Cathy.