Archive for February, 2014

Fun With Guns: I Shot My Mother While She Was Cooking My Dinner Edition

February 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

South Carolina.

A mother was shot in the leg and was air lifted to a local hospital.

Deputies said their investigation determined that the woman’s adult son was walking through the kitchen with a loaded gun when it accidentally discharged.

The victim was airlifted to Greenville Memorial Hospital. Her condition is not being released.

Deputies say the son will not be charged in the case.

But he will not get dessert.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.


I Think He’s Talking About You

February 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want y’all to meet megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress.  He is powerful upset about all this gay stuff in the news.  Powerful upset.

Screen Shot 2014-02-27 at 5.05.29 PMJeffress warned that American Christianity is finding itself at the mercy of “godless, immoral infidels who hate God.”

Appearing alongside Family Research Council president Tony Perkins and pastor Rafael Cruz, the father of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Jeffress likened Christian pastors who allow LGBT rights to move forward in this country to “German pastors that allowed for the Holocaust.”

Furthermore, he predicted that once all of the anti-LGBT legislation has been struck down, pastors like himself will be imprisoned under new laws against “hate speech.”

One can only hope.

You can go to You Tube and run Jeffress name.  He’s pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.  He will also set your gaydar on nuclear weapons grade.  As my friend Kary says, “Darlin’, he’s as gay as Ikea on Superbowl Sunday.”

You gotta admit that it’s scientifically important to see that much hate fit in such a short little body.


From Louie’s Mouth to God’s Ears

February 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, y’all, if you’ve been wondering who to blame for the Tea Party, I have an answer for you:  God Hisownself.

Explaining how horrible 2008 was for Republicans, Louie Gohmert explained

“In the ashes arose a group who felt they were Taxed Enough Already! Yes!” he exclaimed. “And I was asked by media, over and over, ‘So what do you think of the Tea Party?’”

“And I would explain, ‘They are an answer to my prayers,’” Gohmert recalled.

Oh yeah.  For real.  Louie has that connection.



Thanks to Frank for the heads up and John for the cool graphic.

Why You Should Read More Than One Newspaper

February 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is honest-to-goodness how it was reported.

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Oh, Ted.

February 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Ted Cruz is refusing to endorse John Cornyn in the Republican primary in Texas.

gop_crap_logo_3Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Thursday refused to endorse his colleague John Cornyn, the senior senator from Texas, against primary challenger Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX).

Speaking at a Politico Playbook event in Washington, the conservative firebrand noted that incumbents carry great advantages over challengers, suggesting Cornyn didn’t need any help. Asked by Mike Allen again if he would vote for Cornyn, Cruz said the matter was “between me and the ballot box.”

Okay, so that leaves the batcrap crazy Steve Stockman, who would be the cream in Cruz’s coffee.  The upside for Texas is that you could holler, “Hey, Idiot!” and both our senators would turn around.


Wasn’t There a War Over This?

February 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today’s front page of the Austin American Statesman included this little quip over the courts overturning our little Gays Just Ain’t Right laws.

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Read Rick Perry’s out loud.  Then bang your head against your desk.

The thing about Rick Perry is that you can pull a slow one on him.   You do not have the waste the energy to pull a fast one.

Errrr, Rick?  Didn’t we fight a war over this?  Didn’t your side lose?

Errrr, Rick?  Polls show that 61% of Americans and 52% of Texans support civil unions or marriage for same gendered couples.  There’s a real big difference between your will and the will of “our citizens.”

Do you wanna know the smartest thing I ever did?  I seconded the nomination of Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa to be Democratic Party Chairman.  He is not a namby-pamby Democrat.  You can email him right here to let him know how grateful you are to have a Democratic Party Chairman in Texas who loves being a Democrat.

You can email Rick Perry at