Archive for January, 2014

Hey, Yankees!

January 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They told us that we might get snow on Thursday night.  The last time we had a big snow here – 3 inches on the ground – was 1973.  The entire town closed down.

Anyway, they took it back today and said it *might* get to 31 degrees.  And it *might* even rain.

So, let us know where you are and how you’re doing.  If you send pictures, I’ll post them.

Stay warm.


Oh, Free Fun!

January 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you want some free quality entertainment, go read the indictment of the Virginia Governor and his prissy wife.  It’s a damn hoot.

They are poor people wanting the rich lifestyle.  You know, Republicans.


Wanna See a Picture of It?

January 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

About 5 years ago we had an incident happen in my little county that made national news.  A candidate for congress Photoshopped his head onto the body of his slimmer and better-built opponent and sent it out in a brochure.  He, of course, got caught and still can’t show his face without people saying, “Hey, your face looks familiar!”

Since it made national news, you’d think people wouldn’t do that stuff.

Ahhhhh … but does Steve Stockman qualify as “people”?

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Stockman is trying to make his opponent, Senator John Cornyn, look like Barack Obama’s best buddy.  Not being able to find photographic evidence of that, he just clumsily pasted Corny’s head over the head of Charlie Crist.

A reporter at Politico first found it and it’s been nothing but fun since then.

Thanks to Don in Huaco for the heads up.

Holy Crap. Clearing the Path for Hillary.

January 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Robert Jeffress is the pastor at the Dallas First Baptist Church, a congregation of 11,000 members.

He’s a stinker who can deliver hate-filled messages with a sweet Christian smile.  His speaking style is first cousins to Lindsey Graham.

He hates Barack Obama and believes that the President is a Muslim.

Here he is on Fox News explaining the Obama War on Easter.

Well, things have heated up since then and while Pastor Jeffress says that he doesn’t believe that President Obama is the anti-Christ because his poll numbers are too low, President Obama is clearing the path for the anti-Christ.

“My thesis is, people will have been conditioned long before the anti-Christ comes to accept governmental overreach, and that’s what you’re seeing with President Obama.”

He said the end times were predicted in the Old Testament Book of Daniel and the New Testament Book of Revelations.

“Even Jews look forward to it,” Jeffers told O’Reilly.

Hey, not me.  I do not look forward to it.  I’ve read Revelations and it scares the crap outta me.  I do not look forward to watching people get tossed into the pits of hell and burning forever.  Oh holy crap, maybe I’m the anti-Christ.

Thelma says that Jeffress is just clearing a spot for Hillary, so that he can preach that she is the true anti-Christ.  I think Thelma make a good point.

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

Full Metal Jacket Crazy

January 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Louie Gohmert is doozy crazy.  He’s now decided to drop all his health insurance to prove that Obamacare is no damn good.

Louie went on the electric teevee to try to contend that his health instance premium went up too much to afford it under Obamacare.

“Other people are going to see what I did when I looked into health insurance for my wife and me: that the deductible rate, it doubled, about $3,000 to $6,000, and our policy was going to go from about $300 to about $1,500 a month,” he said during a recent radio interview with Trey Graham, a pastor at First Melissa Baptist Church in Collin County. “I actually don’t have insurance right now, so thank you very much, Obamacare.”

I think Louie forgot that you can go to hell for lying, same as you can for stealin’ and fornicatin’.  I have no idea where he got health insurance for $300 a month unless it was Big Bob’s Insurance and Cell Phone Hut and everybody knows Big Bob is a damn crook.

LouieGohmert:Trash_aOle Bubba paid $1,800 a month with a $5,000 deductible when he was 60 years old like Louie is now.   Now Ole Bubba is on socialized medicine and thinks it’s dandy plus a nickel.

Now here’s the Louie kicker.

Gohmert is one of the poorest members of Congress, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. His most recent financial disclosure report shows no significant assets. With his mortgage and other loans, Gohmert has a negative net worth of about $162,000.

So, here’s a guy $162,000 in debt with no health insurance.  Guess who is going to have to pay his medical bills if he gets sick?  Either his kids or me and you.  Mostly you because in Louie’s case I’m with those Republicans who want him to lay in the hospital parking lot and die.

Hey, no booing.  It’s what Louie would want.

Fun With Guns: Candidate Challenges Self to Duel. Loses.

January 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Local police chief David Counceller is running for Fayette County sheriff.  He’s a Republican so his campaign kick-off included a trip to the gun store.

Counceller’s 40-caliber Glock handgun accidentally discharged Saturday afternoon while he was at Wullf’s Gun Shop. Counceller, who was off-duty at the time, said he’d been examining a handgun similar to the one he carries.

Counceller said he drove himself to the hospital for treatment of the flesh wound on his upper, right thigh. Nurses thought the chief was joking when he told them he’d shot himself, Counceller said.

This is an unusual happenstance.  Republicans usually shoot themselves in the foot.

Thanks to BJ and Cheryl for the heads up.