Write This Down Somewhere So You Don’t Forget It Before You Vote for Rick Perry for President
Oh Rick, not another one.
Texas Governor Rick Perry was given an Emerging Technology Fund that amounted to a slush fund to award his major contributors. The idea was to give a couple million of taxpayers dollars to emerging tech businesses to jumpstart them, which kinda seems to disprove the whole government needs to stay out of private enterprise thing but that’s a whole ‘nother story.
Another one, which brings us to a dozen, filed for bankruptcy.
An energy storage company near Austin that received $2 million in taxpayer dollars under the state’s Emerging Technology Fund has filed for bankruptcy.
Kyle-based Xtreme Power Inc. filed for Chapter 11 protection in federal bankruptcy court last week. Gov. Rick Perry awarded the company money in 2007 from his investment fund for high-tech Texas startups.
The man is addicted to handing out your money to his friends.
Write that down. Do not forget it.