Archive for January, 2014

Write This Down Somewhere So You Don’t Forget It Before You Vote for Rick Perry for President

January 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Rick, not another one.

Texas Governor Rick Perry was given an Emerging Technology Fund that amounted to a slush fund to award his major contributors.  The idea was to give a couple million of taxpayers dollars to emerging tech businesses to jumpstart them, which kinda seems to disprove the whole government needs to stay out of private enterprise thing but that’s a whole ‘nother story.

Another one, which brings us to a dozen, filed for bankruptcy.

An energy storage company near Austin that received $2 million in taxpayer dollars under the state’s Emerging Technology Fund has filed for bankruptcy.

Kyle-based Xtreme Power Inc. filed for Chapter 11 protection in federal bankruptcy court last week. Gov. Rick Perry awarded the company money in 2007 from his investment fund for high-tech Texas startups.

The man is addicted to handing out your money to his friends.

Write that down.  Do not forget it.

Creepy as Hell

January 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

During a debate last night the four candidates running for the GOP nomination for Lt. Governor of Damn Texas agreed that abortion should not be allowed in any case – including cases of rape or incest.

Dan Patrick: A Disturbed Man

Dan Patrick: A Disturbed Man

Dan Patrick, the creepiest man in Texas, said that in the case of the life of the mother, “Most mothers would say to let my baby live.”  I feel sure he would want to add, “You know, especially if it’s a white male baby.”

These guys are still pissed off about Eve and the apple and they are coming after hooter toters with intent to freekin’ rape and kill us.

I’ve made no bones out of the fact that Leticia Van De Putte is my favorite candidate running this year.  So, march your butt over to her website and contribute even $5 today.  I’m not saying that Wendy is not wonderful and grand.  She is.  But, this is the race we have to win and Leticia is the woman to do it.  The Lt. Governor in Texas is the one with all the power.

Leticia was the woman who set off the people’s filibuster that night.  She is my hero.


Stockman Not Missing. It’s a Giant Media Conspiracy

January 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Steve Stockman says he was never missing – it was just a giant media conspiracy.

Breitbart has the coolest, and by coolest I mean deranged, story about it.

Sockman’s [sic] spokesman, Denny Ferguson, also sent Breitbart News a press release headlined “Stockman returns from official State Department tour, backs Israel, exposes media bias.”

“You must be conservative when you’re meeting with the media and the media claim they can’t find you. Reporters knew of trip but claimed otherwise. We decided to hold out and see how long reporters would pretended they didn’t know I was on official business,” Stockman said, according to the release.

He claims he was in Russia but missed a meeting with Putin because of the whole, you know, Davos thing that nobody ever suspected would keep Putin busy.  He also didn’t get to meet with Edward Snowden.  Or Jennifer Lopez or General Francisco Franco.   The Queen of England also denied his request because she was washing her hair that day.  Okay, so I made up everything after Snowden but you also most believed it, didn’t you?  That’s because he’s Steve Stockman.

Breitbart continues with this —

During the trip, the group had several close encounters with danger, Stockman said.

“Fun fact, Israel arrested [a] terrorist for trying to blow up our embassy while we were there,” Stockman said. “Don’t forget just days after we left Cairo, Egypt 5 bombs went off,” he added.

Before he signed off to go to sleep, Stockman offered one final thought: “It’s becoming a dangerous world and the seeds the President unknowningly [sic] or not has sown are going to bear bitter fruit and kill many.”

So, apparently, I lost my bet that he was in rehab.

Fun With Guns: Your Backyard Edition

January 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Apparently the state of Florida neglected to make it against the law to set up a target practice range in your own backyard even if you live in a neighborhood.

I am certain that there is no law against wrapping your nakkid self in Saran Wrap and running up and down the street on a pogo stick yelling, “The Russians are coming!” but most people know that would not be a good idea so there are no reported cases of that — even in Florida.

Doug Varrieur has a home in Big Pine Key, Florida.  This morning he has a “makeshift shooting area” in his backyard.  In Texas that would mean a couple of recently emptied beer cans on a tree stump.  I don’t know what it means in Florida except that you’re real likely to shoot your neighbors.

Along with fear of stray bullets, some of Varrieur’s neighbors are upset about the noise generated by the shooting. One woman circulated a petition in an effort to stop the shooting. But the Monroe County attorney said the county cannot put any noise ordinances in place to stop the residential shooting.

“And if they want to shoot a fully automatic weapon, and have a class 3 license, technically they would not be in violation of anything,” Ramsay told the Herald.

Let’s hear it for Florida, the new damn redneck heaven.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Sticks and Stones

January 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So the Commonwealth of Virginia, home of Thomas Jefferson, can be declared officially brain dead.

Protestors arrived at the State Capitol with American flags on little wooden sticks – the kind handed out at parades or used for centerpieces.  You know, the deadly weapon kind.

Oddly, a group at the Capitol building who were there to support gun violence prevention, were told that they had to remove the little dowel sticks from their flags while this dude was ushered in.



Which, admittedly, is not a stick.

Thanks to everyone for the heads up.

I Dunno. Is It a Sign?

January 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The birds!  The birds!

VATICAN CITY — Two white doves that were released by children standing alongside Pope Francis as a peace gesture have been attacked by other birds.

As tens of thousands of people watched in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, a seagull and a large black crow swept down on the doves right after they were set free from an open window of the Apostolic Palace.

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Whoa, I bet talk radio will be buzzing tonight.