Archive for January, 2014

Way To Go, Beauty Salon Customers

January 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal we’ve been so secretive about that we asked you to contribute to.  And, boy howdy!, did you.

In Texas, voter ID requirements hit especially hard on people over the age of 65 and the disabled.  However, these people can vote by mail, where no ID is required.  And, through the tireless efforts of the Texas Democratic Party, if you register once to vote by mail, you can receive ballots by mail for the entire election season – primary, run-off, general election, run-off.

If you should happen to feel perky on election day and you have a proper ID, you can take your ballot to the polls with you, where they will destroy it and allow you to vote on the machine.

People can now easily request vote by mail ballots online, thanks to the new program.

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Additionally, as a precinct chair, I can request my entire precinct or just my street.  And these do not have to be mailed individually.  They can be hand delivered to each persons house during block walking and multitudes can be delivered to the election office.

The ballots do request Democratic primary ballots to keep thieving Republicans from using our system.  We also open the sections for getting a bunch of applications to only county chairs, precinct chairs, and the State Democratic Executive Committee members.  Democratic candidates can also request use of the program.

If you’re in Texas and have any trouble finding yourself, please let Glen know.  glen at txdemocrats dot com.

You’ve made a real difference in Texas.  Thank you so much.

Glen and I have a few more tricks up our sleeve so save a couple of dollars to make things like this – that give grassroots activists the tools they need – happen.   I’ll let you know when we’re ready for the next one.

HEADS UP:  I just talked to Glen and we’re having a few glitches today.  We really had no idea how many precinct chairs were going to start making list this morning!  That’s great news, but the program is experiencing some problems.  Hopefully, it won’t be the ACA!

Fun With Guns: Pub Edition

January 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Burien, Washington, sounds like a real fun place.

An unidentified 66 year old man was at Elmer’s Pub at 1:00 in the damn morning.

Apparently the man had been outside smoking with a friend when the topic of guns came up.

He then pulled a gun out of his car and accidentally shot himself.

He was taken to Harborview and is expected to survive.

And Elmer’s looks like the kind of place to shoot yourself.

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They’re kind generous with the word Pub in Burien, Washington.


Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Wall Eyed Snot Nosed Hissy Fit

January 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you want to see the face of evil?  I will show you the face of evil.



Today Mitch McConnell proved he was baptized in vinegar and he’d steal the light bulb from the porch lamp at an orphanage.

Mitch McConnell pulled a deplorable stunt on the Senate floor today when he offered to extend unemployment benefits, but only if Democrats kill Obamacare.

What the hell the two have to do with each other baffles me. The ACA does not increase the deficit. It’s obvious that it chaps Mitch McConnell’s butt that somewhere in America some child is going to bed well and with a full belly.

It is estimated that 1.3 million American are suffering with these cuts.  And Mitch McConnell plays games and makes faces at the camera.

I hate these people.  God help me, I do.  I just hate them.

Wife Whackin’: It’s About Freedom

January 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I know that the foreign state of Maine is a long damn way from here, but guys like this aren’t.

Erick Bennett is running for the United States Senate against Susan Collins.  Okay, he has that right, but Susan Collins isn’t the first woman he wanted to beat.

erick-bennet-216x160In 2003, Erick Bennett was convicted of beating his wife.  She divorced him and, after he unsuccessfully appealed the conviction, he went to prison.  Even afterwards, he contends that it’s everyones fault but his.  It’s liberal judges, crooked prosecutors, lying women, bad cops, and probably Barack Obama.  Okay, so I made up the Barack Obama part but you know he’s said it at some point.

It’s weird enough that he still defends his actions, but now he’s saying that it’s the best damn thing about him.

“The fact that I have been jailed repeatedly for not agreeing to admit to something I didn’t do should speak to the fact of how much guts and integrity I have,” he said. “If I go to D.C., I’m going to have that same integrity in doing what I say, and saying what I do, when it comes to protecting people’s rights, as well as their pocketbooks.”

Honey, that’s denial on a catapult.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Duck! Incoming!

January 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican primary in Texas is a damn war.

And, as if we weren’t having enough fun, in prances a brand spankin’ new filly to the battlefield.

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 8.54.07 AMPete Sessions, who you’ve heard me call Pistol Pete because he eats bullets for breakfast and shoots off his mouth all day, is facing upstart Tea Party Honey Katrina Pierson in the Dallas area primary.

Pierson was little more than a gnat for Sessions and even Michelle Malkin coming to Texas to campaign for her maybe got her an extra hundred grand to face Sessions’ millions.

But whoa cowboy, now Rafael Cruz, Ted’s double down crazy dad, is endorsing her and you know how much we value crazy in Texas.  Well, maybe you don’t.  Let me explain – we once put Ross Perot in charge of education.  That’s a true testament to how much we love crazy.

Pistol Pete and his posse are whistling pass the graveyard on this one.

Former Dallas County Republican Party Chairman Jonathan Neerman, a Sessions supporter, said the Cruz endorsement would not be a big boost for Pierson.

“He’s speaking for himself,” Neerman said. “Ted Cruz has not endorsed in this race.”

Oh, really?  Rafael Cruz is just Ted Cruz with a little extra whoopee on top.  His endorsement is a diamond in the crazy crown.  Hell, if Greg Abbott becomes governor, he’ll probably put Rafael Cruz in charge of education.

Yes, there is a Democrat in the race, Frank Perez, a lawyer and former police officer.



Fun With Guns: Scared Of Your Own Shadow Edition

January 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s Virginia Beach.

Police say the homeowner accidentally shot himself around 6 a.m. this morning.

Police say the homeowner thought someone was breaking into his home.

He went looking for who he thought was an intruder – when his gun accidentally went off.

He does know which way to point it, right?

Now crooks will feel perfectly safe breaking into his house.  Dude, you might as well have hung a sign on your door.

Thanks to tucsonbarbara for the heads up.