Archive for January, 2014
And Y’all Thought I Was Jokin’ About Steve Stockman Waking Up In a New World Everyday.
Okay, first off, Steve gets ants in his pants over the budget and tweets this:
He’s voting no. You got that? No. He’s voting n-o.
This was tweeted on January 13, that was Monday, at 8:07 pm.
Okay, now fast forward to January 15, that was Wednesday, two days later, at 4:18 pm
And here ya go —
Look at the last one. Look. Do you see that name on the did-not-vote list?
On Wednesday, he forgot what he said in capital letters on Monday. I mean, it was even written down for his reference purposes. If he was going to vote “I don’t give a crap,” that’s what he should have tweeted.
So, all you folks who thought I was jokin’ can line up over here to my right to apologize.
Thanks to Arun for the heads up.
Now, If This Doesn’t Leave You With Some Questions, Then You Are Not a Very Curious Person
Exxon Mobile filed this with the Federal Elections Commission. Click the little one to get the big one.
What does Exxon Mobile want to buy from a crazy man? I mean, Stockman’s not going to remember tomorrow that you gave him money.
But, most importantly, “Replacement Check?” Really? Is it replacing something else? Did Steve lose the first check? Did it bounce? Is the dirty money the cause of the mess at his headquarters? Is it floating in his hot tub? Does Steve Stockman really have friends?
For this and more tune into tomorrow for “Steve Stockman: Man of Missing Money” staring Steve Stockman as Himself and Gilbert the Glow In The Dark Zombie as Exxon Mobile.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.
I Doubt That, Lindsey
Lindsey Graham is certain, just certain, that Benghazi is going to be the Democrat downfall in 2014.
“I think Democrats are gonna have to start making President Obama account for his leadership. Where was he that night? Did he know it was a terrorist attack? Why did he say for two weeks we think it was a protest? How could he have done that?”
Well, that might be more believable if ….
One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don’t actually know where it is. 10% think it’s in Egypt, 9% in Iran, 6% in Cuba, 5% in Syria, 4% in Iraq, and 1% each in North Korea and Liberia with 4% not willing to venture a guess.
And then Public Policy Polling jumps in, too.
The poll also showed most Americans trust Hillary Clinton over Republicans on Benghazi, by a 49-39 margin.
Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.
I’m Beginning To Wonder
Is it just me or is Pope Francis becoming more like Donald Trump? You’re fired!
And here’s the cool part.
On Feb. 16, 2013, just days after announcing his resignation, Pope Benedict XVI confirmed the existing members of the bank’s supervisory body for another five years. The members included Benedict’s longtime deputy and secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who was widely blamed for many of the Vatican’s administrative shortcomings during Benedict’s papacy.
Francis has now essentially undone Benedict’s decree, relieving Bertone and the other commission members of their jobs as he moves forward with his reform of the bank, formally known as the Institute for Religious Works.
So, the old Pope, who is still living but apparently no longer infallible (you know, like that’s something that comes and goes with the cool hat), tried to keep control of the money but the new Pope was on that like white on rice.
Okay, okay, now if he’ll just appoint some women ….
Fun With Guns: Rental Car Edition
Okay, so you’re a supermodel princess married to a famous quarterback. You go get a rental car at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport and then return it two hours later for another car.
There was just one problem: she forgot to grab her AR-15.
The vehicle was subsequently rented by a New York woman and her daughter, but they drove it for two days before spotting the bag that contained the weapon. Alarmed, the woman’s daughter quickly jumped out of the vehicle to get away from the weapon.
Lauren Tannehill is the supermodel wife of Miami Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill.
No laws were broken.
She’s blonde, y’all. And apparently ready to shoot your butt.
Thanks to AggielandLiz for the heads up.