Archive for December, 2013

Michele, Calm Yourself

December 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As the lock step march for impeachment without using the actual word impeachment continues ….

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) on Tuesday accused President Barack Obama of “rewriting the constitution” for his political agenda, particularly in the case of his signature health care law.

“He has rewritten the Constitution for himself as a part of his effort to fundamentally transform the United States of America,” Bachmann said on Fox News on Tuesday.

Really?  Sometimes, just for fun, I sit around and daydream what these idiots would do if we had an actual liberal President.




Thanks to Marge for the heads up and John for the very cool graphic.

Wanna Vote For Rick Perry?

December 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, trip on over here and vote for Rick Perry.

It won’t do much good except make you feel better and there aint nothing wrong with that.

Thanks to Patricia for the heads up.

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like … Fox New’s Puffed-up Phony War on Christmas

December 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

All you need to know that the War on Christmas is hogwash is to walk out your front door.

I dunno know about you but I live in Texas, where tacky whoop-te-do is considered an art form.  My entire street is lit up like an oil refinery.  On clear nights we can be seen from the damn moon.

You cannot go into a store without hearing elevator Christmas tunes and the hawking of wares nobody on this planet really needs.  Well, unless they are shiny.  If they are shiny, then you really need them.  I even have shiny house shoes.  I know, eat your heart out.

Screen Shot 2013-12-05 at 9.05.31 AMBack to Fox News:  their latest fake WOC story comes from Georgia.  Yes, Georgia – Queen of the Bible Belt.

Fox News’ Todd Starnes accused a Georgia elementary school of “confiscating” Christmas cards in an effort to stifle religious expression, prompting outrage from residents and threats of corrective legislation from Georgia lawmakers. But according to the school district, Starnes’ allegations are completely false.

There is a tradition of teachers bringing a copy of the Christmas card they send out to share with other teachers.  They are displayed for the teachers to see.  That display was moved to the teacher’s lounge this year due to safety concerns and, boy howdy, is the principal flippin’ mad about the Fox News story.  Apparently, it has interrupted the school day.

Unfortunately, today the school was terrorized by an intentional and vicious dissemination of untrue information that disrupted the good work going on inside.  Fox News Radio Commentary Host Todd Starnes, acting on misinformation that neither he, nor his media outlet corroborated with the school system or Baker, misreported a story about student Christmas Cards being removed from the school. Baker did not receive any questions from the local community either.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution got in on the act, too.  They describe a “school that obviously has no problem with Christmas trees. Or holiday artwork by students. Or Christmas cards. No one has been asked not to say “Merry Christmas.””

Moving one Christmas card display does not a war make.  Even if it’s Hitler.



Yeah, Because The End Times is Like a Cross Between a Ouija Board and Mad Libs

December 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Steeple People are at it again.  And this time they have a Magic Man in the Sky.


Carl Gallups, Advanced Letter Scramble Champion

Gospel Grinder Carl Gallups, who wrote a book called The Magic Man in the Sky, is plenty tired of you folks making fun of him because he called President Obama the anti-Christ.  So he’s back, Baby, and this time he has proof!

Carl Gallups advanced the theory, based on Aramaic translations of biblical texts, that Jesus spoke the current president’s name when he prophesized in Luke 10:18 that he “saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

According to the theory, which Gallups says he did not develop but promoted, the Aramaic translation of that passage would be: “I beheld Satan as baraq u-bama.”

Do you know what is sad?  It is sad when a full grown man does not recognize the word bar-be-que when he sees it in a letter scramble  game.  That is sad.

And, personally, I think the whole baraq-u-bama thing is a foretelling of the way Auburn cooked Alabama last weekend, but what do I know of the Anti-Christ and who he roots for in college football?  I confess that I know diddle squat about that.

Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.


Thank You, Dana Milbank

December 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It comes to pass that Texas Senator and Congressvarmints are still trying to impeach President Obama.

Honey, if they don’t have anything better to do they can come over to my house and fix the damn potholes in the street.  But, no.  It’s Christmas and let’s impeach Obama!

According to Dana Milbank in the Washington Post, the House Judiciary Committee met yesterday to …

Tuesday’s hearing was titled “The President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws.” The unanimous view among Republicans was that Obama had not done his duty, and it’s true that this president has stretched the bounds of executive authority almost as much as his predecessor, whose abuses bothered Republicans much less (and Democrats much more).

They are not using the impeachment word for fear of looking batcrap crazy instead of just regular crazy.

It’s a fun article and you’ll reading it but the best line is this one …

In recent days, Rep. Steve Stockman (Tex.), one of the more exotic members of the Republican caucus, has distributed proposed Articles of Impeachment to his colleagues.  (Emphasis delightfully provided by me.)

Exotic.  I flat love that and wish I had thought of using that.

Last summer I told you a dangerous story about a local Baptist lady confusing the words exotic and erotic.  However, I do not think we have to fret about that happening when describing Steve Stockman.

Thanks to Kyle and Paul for the heads up.

And The Wacky Just Keeps on Coming

December 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please meet Congressgoofy Lamar Smith from Texas.  He’s a tad nuts.

lamarsmith1He’s also living proof that politics is show business for ugly people.  Bless his heart, he has a strong resemblance to a kangaroo rat.  And about the same intelligence, too.

Growing weary of looking for illegal aliens, his term for undocumented workers, Lamar has decided to find them in outer space and probably kill them before they kill us.  I’m serious as a heart attack, folks.

Lamar doesn’t believe in climate change and if the petrochemical industry paid you half a million dollars, you wouldn’t either.  He heads the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.  He doesn’t believe in any of those things, but if he had to pick one to believe in, it would be space.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), who has been openly skeptical regarding global climate change, will use one of the House’s seven remaining workdays this year to chair a hearing regarding the possible existence of life outside of Earth.

The hearing’s charter states that, “With the discovery of potential Earth-like planets outside of our Solar System, the hearing will also investigate what methods are being used to determine if any of these planets may harbor life. The hearing will explore existing and planned astrobiology research strategies and roadmaps.”

Now, here’s what I betcha.  I betcha ten dollars crisp cash American money that Ole Lamar doesn’t give a hoot about space science.  He’s just looking for something new to use to produce fear and hate.  He’s just looking for an excuse to kill ET.

Or, in the alternative, maybe he’s looking for a new place to live since he and his petrochemical buddies wrecked this one.

Thanks to Kyle and The Shops for the heads up.