Please meet Congressgoofy Lamar Smith from Texas. He’s a tad nuts.
He’s also living proof that politics is show business for ugly people. Bless his heart, he has a strong resemblance to a kangaroo rat. And about the same intelligence, too.
Growing weary of looking for illegal aliens, his term for undocumented workers, Lamar has decided to find them in outer space and probably kill them before they kill us. I’m serious as a heart attack, folks.
Lamar doesn’t believe in climate change and if the petrochemical industry paid you half a million dollars, you wouldn’t either. He heads the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. He doesn’t believe in any of those things, but if he had to pick one to believe in, it would be space.
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), who has been openly skeptical regarding global climate change, will use one of the House’s seven remaining workdays this year to chair a hearing regarding the possible existence of life outside of Earth.
The hearing’s charter states that, “With the discovery of potential Earth-like planets outside of our Solar System, the hearing will also investigate what methods are being used to determine if any of these planets may harbor life. The hearing will explore existing and planned astrobiology research strategies and roadmaps.”
Now, here’s what I betcha. I betcha ten dollars crisp cash American money that Ole Lamar doesn’t give a hoot about space science. He’s just looking for something new to use to produce fear and hate. He’s just looking for an excuse to kill ET.
Or, in the alternative, maybe he’s looking for a new place to live since he and his petrochemical buddies wrecked this one.
Thanks to Kyle and The Shops for the heads up.