Houston Mayor Annise Parker was re-elected to her third term last month with a landslide. She got like 80% of the vote because she’s a damn good mayor. There were, like maybe, six candidates and there wasn’t even a second place. Honey, she was so hot that she glowed in the dark for three days after the election.
Last week she announced that the City of Houston would start giving employee spousal benefits to same-gender couples who were married outside of Texas.
Holy crap, with the way Republicans reacted you’d think the only reason she did it was to distract from the computer problems of Obamacare. Jared Woodfill, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, pounded his spoon on his high chair tray and screeched that the Mayor has “abused her office.” Woodfill then proceeds to abuse her.
You gotta read this.
Mayor Parker and City Attorney David Feldman wrongly have interpreted the Supreme Court case this summer to apply to the city. Never mind that the voters of Texas worded the Texas Constitution to ban such unions. Never mind that the voters of Houston worded the Houston City Charter to ban such benefits. Mayor Parker unilaterally disposed of the Houston City Charter and the Texas Constitution without anything even resembling democratic process. For case law to be applied at the local level, test cases are often necessary, but these should come from citizens petitioning for a lack of constitutional protection or for perceived inequality, not the Mayor of the third largest city in the US blatantly and brazenly violating the laws passed by the people’s duly elected representatives in Texas and at the federal level.
That brazen hussy!
Never mind the 14th amendment. Never mind her overwhelming victory showing that she has more support than a Cross Your Heart Bra. Never mind that Woodfill couldn’t even find a Republican with the courage to take her on. Never mind that what she did was perfectly legal and extremely proper.
It’s kinda cute that Woodfill’s rant comes a day before even Rick Perry gives in to the Department of Defense and allows the Texas National Guard to give same-gender spousal benefits. I guess all those stockpiled weapons and threats of secession kinda faded in the face of drone strike reality.
Woodfill loves to rant about Mayor Parker. She really gets under his skin. I can’t decide if it’s because she’s a woman, or that she’s a lesbian, or that she’s smart, or that she’s successful. Personally, I think it’s because she is a smart successful woman who just happens to be lesbian.
I kinda figure that next time he’ll give in to that knot in his stomach and just yell, “Look, y’all, she’s got cooties AND titties!”
It’ll do his heart good to get it out of his system. Plus, it’ll just amuse the hell outta me.