Archive for October, 2013

Just Because His Breath Smells Like Bananas Doesn’t Mean He’s Tarzan

October 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry, the man who hates Obamacare even worse than book reading, is now encouraging Texans to sign up for some of that there Obamacare.


After years of trying to undermine the Affordable Care Act, Texas lawmakers are suddenly embracing President Obama’s signature domestic policy accomplishment. On Thursday, the Texas Tribune reportedthat the state is shuttering a state-based health care program and encouraging Texans to sign-up for coverage in the federally-run health care exchange.

Perry_ClarkKent_1Okay, so the damn federal government of the United States of America, which Perry thinks is communist and fascist and socialist and some other words he’s heard on the radio, is now suddenly and very quietly good enough for Texans?

Rick, dude, are you running for President on that?  Plus, what are you going to do when Sarah Palin finds out and tells Ted Cruz?

I guess those new glasses aren’t helping the IQ points, huh?

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


Oh Ted, Inadvertent Kiss My Big Blue Butt

October 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get a load of this.  Ted Cruz may have an ethics violation upcoming.

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz potentially violated ethics rules by failing to publicly disclose his financial relationship with a Caribbean-based holding company during the 2012 campaign, a review of financial disclosure and company documents by TIME shows. The relationship originated with a $6,000 investment Cruz made more than a decade ago in a Jamaican private equity firm founded by his college roommate.

And then …

Cruz told TIME Thursday that the initial failure to report the financial relationship was an oversight that he corrected last May on his own initiative in his first filing after his election to the Senate. “It was an omission that was inadvertent,” Cruz said.

Inadvertent?  How come when Ted screws up it’s inadvertent but when anyone else screws up it’s malicious and unAmerican?


Here’s What Happened

October 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No, I did not forget to pay the bill.

My website holder got an email from some folks who were claiming that I had violated their copyright two years ago with a cartoon.  They have been claiming this a couple times a year but my geek would always catch it because it came from company that does jewelry to put created remains in and that’s not something I generally write about.

We always asked them for more specific information and since they never followed through with any of their threats to sue me, we started ignoring them.

Then I switched domain servers.  I forgot to tell them about this.  They got one of the emails and shut my butt down.  We got it fixed and we’re back in business.

I truly appreciate all the emails to tell me about it and almost got teary-eyed with people offering to pitch in a couple of bucks to help pay the bill.  We’re able to make payroll right now but if the gerbils ever need food, you’ll be the first to know.


How To Know You’re Having A Bad Week

October 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Your Tea Party implodes.

You fail on the House floor in full view of everyone in the whole damn world.

You give your swan song speech at the same time the House majority leader is giving his, which is considered rude, pompous, and cause for retaliation.

And then … Women’s Wear Daily announces that you look bad while doing it.


Screen Shot 2013-10-17 at 11.20.47 AM

Of note:  In 42 weeks of giving the award, that’s the lowest score they’ve given.

Thanks to Merideth for the heads up.

The Best Texas Republican Delegation That Money Can Buy

October 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I couldn’t help but notice that the entire Texas Republican delegation voted against funding the government.

My friend Ole Farmer Bob put pencil to paper and checked to see how much money they got from The Koch Brothers.


Joe Barton       – $51,750
Kevin Brady      –  29,500
Michael Burgess  –  49,000
John Carter      –  37,000
Mike Conaway     –  39,500
John Culberson   –  48,000
Blake Farenthold –  21,000
Bill Flores      –  25,500
Louie Gohmert    –  28,000
Kay Granger      –   5,500
Ralph Hall       –   7,500
Jeb Hensarling   –  43,500
Sam Johnson      –  16,000
Kenny Marchant   –  22,500
Michael McCaul   –  33,000
Randy Neugebauer –  36,000
Pete Olson       –  30,000
Ted Poe          –  10,000
Pete Sessions    –  68,000
Lamar Smith      –  33,000
Steve Stockman   –       0
Mac Thornberry   –   2,000
Randy Weber      –  10,000
Roger Williams   –   3,000

We don’t know why Steve Stockman got left out.  I figure it’s because he’s stoned most of the time and can’t remember who bought him.

So now ya know.

Fun With Guns: Put a Contract on Your Opponent Edition

October 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

New Jersey has found a better way to win elections.  OK Corral style.

Atlantic County Sheriff Frank Balles has decided to run for the New Jersey State Senate.  He has a gun fetish and believes that the only kind of gun control we need is being able to hit your target … uh, or ask people to pull their guns when your opponent knocks on their doors.

Balles, who is training in the polls, made a speech in front of a mess of gun nuts.  And this happened:

Screen Shot 2013-10-17 at 10.24.42 AM“When someone’s been elected for 30 years and he comes knocking on your door and tells you, ‘Listen, this is what I want to do to help you,’ quickly close your door, go inside,” Balles said.

A member of the audience quickly interjected, “And get your gun!”

Balles quickly responded, “And get your gun, exactly!”

Well, it does save you from having to pay consultants and pay for mailers.