Ted, They’re Laughing at You
Ted Cruz is cruising for a bruising and it’s going to come from his own party.
Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger from Illinois did not take kindly to Cruz’s wiseguy comment that he was against intervention in Syria because — “we should be focused on defending the United States of America. That’s why young men and women sign up to join the military, not to, as you know, serve in Al Qaeda’s air force.”
Kinzinger, who is a member of the Air Force National Guard, was kinda queazy at seeing pretty boy Ivy League Cruz act so smarty.
“I believe that is a cheap line by some people to garner headlines and not a serious discussion of what’s going on in Syria,” the Illinois Republican said.
Cheap line? Well hell, Son, that’s Ted Cruz’s middle name.
Pass the popcorn. It’s Republican Rumble!
Thanks to John for the picture and David for the heads up.