Archive for September, 2013

Ted, They’re Laughing at You

September 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is cruising for a bruising and it’s going to come from his own party.

Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger from Illinois did not take kindly to Cruz’s wiseguy comment that he was against intervention in Syria because — “we should be focused on defending the United States of America. That’s why young men and women sign up to join the military, not to, as you know, serve in Al Qaeda’s air force.”

Kinzinger, who is a member of the Air Force National Guard, was kinda queazy at seeing pretty boy Ivy League Cruz act so smarty.

“I believe that is a cheap line by some people to garner headlines and not a serious discussion of what’s going on in Syria,” the Illinois Republican said.

Cheap line?  Well hell, Son, that’s Ted Cruz’s middle name.

Pass the popcorn.  It’s Republican Rumble!


Thanks to John for the picture and David for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: Vicious Gun Repeatedly Shoots Men in the Leg Edition

September 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We take you to Alaska, where an unnamed man accidentally shot himself in the leg with his gun.

Soon thereafter, it happens again

The first man was holding a handgun inside his apartment when the gun discharged and he was shot in the leg, police said. He dropped the gun and left, headed for the hospital. As the man left the apartment, witnesses told officers, they heard another shot from inside the apartment — the second man had also been shot in the leg, police said. The circumstances surrounding the second shooting remain under investigation.

Well, I would suspect they need to investigate that gun or the really pissed-off woman inside that house.

Thanks to Alacrity for the heads up.

Dude, I’ve Got Some People For You

September 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

How the hell did rednecks get to North Dakota?

Craig Cobb, a self-described white supremacist who is wanted in Canada on hate crimes charges, has been slowly buying up land in the tiny town of Leith, N.D., with the sole intention of building a haven for white nationalists. Would-be residents could feel free to fly “racialist” flags on their homes and interact exclusively with other “responsible hardcore” white nationalists, Cobb writes of his vision.

Hey, Greg Abbott, herd up the people in your commercial.  I have a bus ticket for them!

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Well, Actually, No. But Bush’s Foot Anywhere Made My Blood Boil.

September 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Actual Tea Party tweet.

And here’s the picture —


Proof once again that outrage passes for foreplay in most Republican homes.

Yes, of course, there of pictures of George Dubya Bush doing the same thing.

Thanks to Star for the heads up.

And Aren’t We in Good Company?

September 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas National Guard is refusing to process same-gender benefits, even through they have a directive from the pentagon to do so.  The reason?  Texas doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage.

Well hell, we don’t recognize literacy either but that doesn’t keep me from going to the bookstore and buying a book.

Last count, there are 50 states.  Only two of them are violating federal law – Texas and Mississippi.  What a pair!  Two places that lead the country in everything you’d like to keep a secret.

Thanks to Al and Sherry for the heads up.

Oh Greg Abbott, You Are So … I Dunno, Weird?

September 03, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Greg Abbott made his first YouTube commercial.

Go look at it.  And then come back for a test.

1.  Do you see any faces in that commercial that aren’t white and pretty damn old?

2.  Whose bright idea was the wall of cuckoo clocks?  They need to be fired.  I intend on using that wall every time I talk about Greg.

3.  German?  Really?

One of my customers watched it and was pretty darn sure that they were trying to make Abbott look like a wounded veteran.  He was never in the military.  A tree feel (more commonly known as fell in non-typo world) on him.  He turned it into a multi million dollar judgement.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.