Archive for September, 2013
Keeping It Classy, Greg!
Texas Attorney General and Gov Wannabe, Greg Abbott, has signaled that he’s taking the high road in this race.
Less than a month after boosting a tweet that called State Senator Wendy Davis “a retard,” the Abbott campaign is doing the limbo under the good taste bar again.
Today they are calling her “too stupid to be Governor.” Now, this in in comparison to Rick Perry, mind you. Dave Carney is Abbott’s top political adviser.
The Executive Director of the Texas Democratic Party, Will Hailer, issued a statement.
“It’s clear that Abbott’s advisers are following a strategy of offending every woman voter in the state of Texas. A woman who worked her way from a trailer park to graduate from Harvard Law School with honors is anything but stupid. Women throughout the state know what it’s like to have their intelligence ignored and made a joke. It’s never been a good idea to mess with Texas women. And come November 2014, the women of Texas will make clear that the joke’s actually on Republicans who find it okay to reference such a hard working and smart woman as stupid.”
No shoot, Sherlock. Thank you, Mr. Hailer.
In this case, stupid is what stoopid did.
Wants to Join The Club
I told you about the new giant Texas Republican PAC for all Republican members of Congress from Texas. Yes, the PAC called Texans for Texans that’s based in Georgia.
East Texas Congressnut Steve Stockman wanted to join that PAC real bad. Only problem is — he can’t spell Texas without looking it up. Click the little one to see the big one.
You might want to check out the PDF just to see the care Stockman puts in his paperwork.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.
I Generally Don’t Participate in These Things, But …
Guys, the Dallas Morning News is running a poll on Texan of the Year — Ted Cruz or Wendy Davis.
Go do what you do best – raise hell.
Thank yew very much.
Thanks to Bernard for the heads up.
The Cruz Giveth and The Cruz Taketh Away
It has happened.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), praised President Barack Obama on Wednesday for bringing the Syria strike to Congress, saying that the move gave the chance for the voices of Americans to be heard.
Well, that’s kinda nice. Giving credit where credit is due. Kinda makes me think that maybe Cruz ain’t all that nuts after all, making a statement lik … Oops. Too soon.
In the same speech …
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Wednesday that the country would be better off if the Senate was full of people like Jesse Helms, the late senator who was ardently opposed to all kinds of civil rights measures …
But, he wasn’t finished.
Cruz told a story of Helms receiving a $5,000 political donation from actor John Wayne, who apparently later told Helms he liked him because “you’re that guy saying all those crazy things” and that there needed to be 100 more of him.
“It’s every bit as true now as it was then,” Cruz said. “We need 100 more like Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate.”
Oh Sweet Jesus weeping loudly, Cruz wants a United States Senate with the intellect of John Wayne.
And get this stuff —
Cruz said the first political donation he ever made was to Helms — $10 — and praised the late senator for his outspokenness. If Helms were alive, Cruz said, he would be taking a more aggressive stance against “radical Islamist terrorism” than President Barack Obama has been taking.
Okay, first of all, Cruz is lying about the $10 donation. I know that mainly because (1) Cruz just makes crap up as a hobby, and (2) Jess Helms would never have taken money from somebody named Cruz.
Jesse Helms would have sent you back to Cuba, Boy.
Perhaps Ted wasn’t listening on June 23rd, 1986 when Helms said, “All Latins are volatile people,” during protests of U.S. Senate hearings on Mexican corruption. And maybe Helms was right, because volatile Ted sent him ten bucks.
Thanks to Llana (who was first) for the heads up and John for the graphic.