Archive for August, 2013

No, No, Wait. Hold the Presses. This Wins!

August 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, you guys from foreign states got to know Texas Lt. Governor, David Dewhurst when (1) he lost to Ted Cruz in the GOP primary in Texas for the Senate seat, and then again (2) when he lost control of the Texas House during the Wendy Davis filibuster.

Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick, the Don King of Texas politics, is running against Dewhurst (lovingly known as The Dew) for Lt. Gov. in the GOP primary next year.

Texans for Dan Patrick have a new website that is the goofiest damn thing ever in the whole world.  It’s David Dewhurst  a cat.

I’m waiting for the response:  Dan Patrick as pond scum.

Fine Dining at the GOP – Soylent Green.

The best thing that could happen?  The primary gets postponed again until June and the fattest sumbitch left picking his teeth at the GOP table gets to hold office.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

Oh Y’all, Your Weekend Reading Just Arrived

August 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I cannot tell you how excited I get when I hear that Rand Paul may run for President.

Some who hates me put my email address on the mailing of the American Conservative Pac.  So, today I got this amazing email:  What Is Barrack Obama Hiding?

Now, let me stop right about here and tell you that one of the first signs of mental illness is when people use random underlining, all caps, and BOLD in their writing.  Whoever wrote this email is about 3 badges short of a Boy Scout.

American Conservative PAC shares a PO Box with these guys – The Conservative Patriot.

And probably a few more places I just didn’t find.

I went to the FEC and best I can figure, these guys simply raise money to raise more money.

Now, crazy talk about Rand Paul doesn’t even wiggle my britches anymore.  But, Honey, when you add Steve Stockman and some big bold letters and I get pretty darned excited.

Yeah, that’s been the problem.  Nobody has started a petition to demand impeachment yet.  Why didn’t we think of that?

Sometimes these folks are real entertaining.  And at least they are taking the money of fools who now can’t give it to something that really might make our lives worse.


Okay, So How About ReRuns? Would Anybody Notice?

August 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans, who can’t seem to get along with anybody, have taken the hatchet to CNN and NBC to broadcast their upcoming Presidential debates.

It is unknown how much CNN and NBC had to pay to get this done but I bet it was about the same as landing on Boardwalk with two hotels.

I don’t guess the GOP considered that this frees up CNN and NBC to just run the outtakes from the debates.  You know, when Rick Perry forgets his middle name or Ted Cruz tries to explain that the birther argument does not apply to Cuban Canadians.  Or when the studio catches fire and Rand Paul won’t let anybody call the socialist fire department and suggests that everybody just spit on the fire instead.

Or, maybe they could run Shark Week opposite the debates and nobody would notice the difference.

All in all, it appears that cranky old men are getting crankier.

I Love It When That Happens

August 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so the rightwing Heritage Foundation did a push poll on Obamacare so they could extort Republican congresssheep to shut down the government rather than fund Obamacare.

That would be a foolproof plan if there weren’t so damn many rightwing fools.

And yet, despite oversampling Republicans and asking misleading questions, the poll still finds that pluralities favor keeping Obamacare and that Republicans would bear the brunt of the public’s wrath if the government shuts down.

So bring it on, bad boys.

And We Are So Honored

August 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Charles Pierce wrote in Esquire Magazine this month about the vast number of crazy people serving in congress.

He mentions California Congresskook Tom McClintock who pretty much said there is no white collar crime.

At a town hall meeting in El Dorado Hills, California on Tuesday, a constituent asked McClintock for his “stance on Wall Street criminal practices.” The congressman responded, “Well first of all, for a criminal practice there has to be a gun. It’s pretty simple.”

He also talks about Steve Stockman in Texas, of course, who is a serial liar and now rodeo clown entrepreneur.

But the Crazy People Emperor for Life?  Louie Gohmert.

And we are indeed honored.

Thanks to Just Suze for the heads ups and John for the art.

Friday Toon

August 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

