Gay Marriage Leads To Drunk Driving
Congressdrunk Don Dwyer, a Republican from Maryland has a bit of a oopsy problem. He drinks. A little while back he pled guilty to operating a boat while drunk. And not operating it very well because he crashed it and injured seven people. The boat was named “The Legislator,” so we should have expected nothing less than a crashing and injuring event.
October 25th is his court hearing on the drunk while boating.
But, Don’s problem is not alcohol. No, siree. Don’s problem is those damn gay people who make him drink.
Ya see, last week at 2:45 am he was stopped on the highway due to erratic driving. He failed three field sobriety tests.
But this ain’t his fault, y’all.
First he blamed his failing marriage. It’s wimmen’s fault, y’all. But then he had a doozy. The reason he drinks is because he feels “betrayed” by members of the Maryland House who supported marriage equality.
Dwyer says he felt sold out when Dels. Tiffany Alston, Wade Kach and Bob Costa voted for same-sex marriage, an issue he spent years crusading against. Dwyer told reporters one day before the vote that he had enough support to block the bill.
Marriage equality passed by the two votes of Republicans who had a change of heart.
He drinks to ease the pain of all those gay folks out there having wild, hot and gleefully sober s-e-x. They are also buying houses, paying bills, getting sick, going to movies, celebrating birthdays, raising children, and living their lives just like “normal” people. You know, just like Don Dwyer except for the drunk boating and driving stuff.
So I hope you gay people are happy now. Don Dwyer would be sober and happily married right now if y’all hadn’t wanted your silly civil rights.
Look, nobody tell Don that the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act passed congress. I know that would lead to cocaine and sex trips to Thailand. A man can only stand so much.
Thanks to Bernard for the heads up.