Archive for August, 2013

When You Absolutely Really and Truly Run Out Of Things To Worry About

August 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Picken’s County GOP comes to your rescue.

You need to call the Crayola Crayon company today because they have Ramadan – which means Sharia Law – on their website.

Recall that Muslims consider Ramadan the “month of jihad” and “month of victory” over infidels. Crayola should remind kids not to try and draw Muhammad lest their parents need to fend off Muslims and enter witness relocation – like the creator of Everyone Draw Muhammad Day – since the FBI nor anyone else will protect them.

Christmas trees and bunnies abound but a search for the Bible returned zero results.

I found this honest to gosh picture of the Pickens County GOP primary election night watch.

Oddly, if they had a box of crayons, they would only need one color.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

Here Ya Go

August 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, my major summer commitments are over and more of time will be my own.

That means more time to be mean.

And who better to start with than Louie Gohmert.  On Monday, August 5th, Louie Gohmert is hosting Sean Hannity’s radio show.  Here’s where it is in your area.

Truman is ready for Louie!

I can promise you this.  You will need a tin foil hat to protect you from Congressvarmint Crazypoolza, a known medical condition in east Texas.

If you’re not lucky enough to have Louie Live! in your neck of the woods, you can listen online right here.  He’s going to be on from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.

Let us hope that they accept call ins and one of us can get through.

Need a question?  Honey, I’ve got ten pages of questions.


Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

This Weekend. UPDATED

August 03, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The reason you haven’t heard from me is that I’m in San Antonio at the Texas Democratic County Chairs Association Summer Workshop.

Every Texan has two homes – where they live and San Antonio.

Here I am with Mayor Julian Castro and Bubba.


And here is Bubba with Wendy Davis.


I like you guys but as you can tell, I am having way too much fun.

UPDATE:  Wendy announced on San Antonio radio on Saturday that she will have an announcement of her plans “in a couple of weeks a message they want to hear.”

That sounds good to me.

A Modest Suggestion From John

August 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Of Course, It’s Always a Woman’s Fault

August 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wanna know why there’s hunger in America?

Because Sister Simone Campbell isn’t doing enough.

Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI) indicted Campbell and the Catholic Church for not doing enough to fix poverty on their own, asking, “What is the church doing wrong that they have to come to the government to get so much help?”

Now Ribble didn’t ask that of the Pope or a priest. He didn’t even ask Sweet Jesus to hurry up on the fish and loaves. He specifically asked Sister Campbell.

Oddly, Congressvarmint Ribble lists himself as a Baptist so I guess he should ask Billy Graham the same question. But, Ribble didn’t. He waited to ask Sister Simone.


Thanks to John for the heads up and the graphic.

Texas DPS Gathering More Crap

August 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember the Department of Public Safety in Texas saying they found bags of feces at the Capitol during the demonstrations against restricting Texas women’s constitutional rights?  And now nobody can find the feces or that it ever even happened or exisited?

Well, Baby, they ain’t finished yet.

Now they want your Twitter account.

AUSTIN — State police have demanded Twitter records from two users that officials allege made “terroristic threats” against lawmakers who pushed for abortion restrictions.

One targeted user, Denise Romano, an Austin woman with a private Twitter account, explains on her page that posts are “satirical.” The second user’s account is anonymous and was unused for more than a year before a string of tweets specified in the Texas Department of Public Safety probe.

In what appears to be an unprecedented move in Texas, law enforcement officials subpoenaed the Twitter users’ information in a criminal investigation.

“I haven’t heard of a tweet being used for the basis of a criminal case,” said Paul Watler, a Dallas-based First Amendment lawyer and a former president of the Texas Freedom of Information Foundation.

And who reported these tweets to the DPS?  Oh, none other than Kristen Vander-Plas, former legislative director for College Republicans.  She said the users’ tweets “made me nervous.”  Woman, have your constitutional rights taken away ought to make you nervous, not some tweeter saying saying some sarcastic thing.

At least once a week I say that Ted Cruz  needs to sneeze because his brain is dusty or needs a good whack upside the head.   Get all nervous, Kristen.

I guess DPS is still looking for the crap.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.