You know how you make a Christmas List? I am convinced that Republicans make a tinkle-on list.
They need it in case they forget who to tinkle on next. First it was minorities, then young people with student loans, then it was women, and the next thing you knew a Tea Party Rally looked just like domino night over at Uncle Bub’s Assisted Living Community. It was a bunch of ole white men, carrying their lawn chairs and occasionally drooling.
And now they are losing that!
Seniors are now much less likely to identify with the Republican Party. On Election Day in 2010, the Republican Party enjoyed a net 10 point party identification advantage among seniors (29 percent identified as Democrats, 39 percent as Republicans). As of last month, Democrats now had a net 6 point advantage in party identification among seniors (39 percent to 33 percent).
—More than half (55 percent) of seniors say the Republican Party is too extreme, half (52 percent) say it is out of touch, and half (52 percent) say the GOP is dividing the country. Just 10 percent of seniors believe that the Republican Party does not put special interests ahead of ordinary voters.
I swear by next January, Rand Paul, Louie Gohmert, and Ted Cruz will be barely distinguishable from The Three Remaining Republicans. I kinda hope swords won’t be involved because those boys have a real hard time not hurting themselves.
On the other hand …
Thanks to Llana and Rick for the heads up.