We Lose Because We’re No Damn Good At This Stuff
I subscribe to a few rightwing things, mainly to keep up with some crazy Republican Texans who keep creeping back into the mainstream GOP.
GOPUSA is one of my favorites. It is run by a prissy little man named Bobby Eberle, who used to be Vice Chair of the Texas GOP, and who rants about gays, Obama, gays, abortion, gays, guns, gays, how African Americans have it so easy, and gays from his very ungay column called, The Loft.
The problem, as I see it, is that we Democrats cannot scare people properly.
You wanna be scared? Hell, these people can scare you.
Here’s today’s email from GOPUSA. You may have to click the little one see the big one.
Here’s the link. It’s loud so you might need to turn down the sound.
This link will make you a leader in your community when the USA collapses. And we have the Four Horsemen of the Food Apocalypse, zombies, Hitler and worst of all — The Obama.
The fun part comes when you try to close the window. You get a special message asking if you know what the hell you’re doing. Click YES and it finally, thank you Sweet Jesus, goes away.
We need to learn to scare people.
Ted Cruz is a zombie who has sold your children to Canada. Ron Paul will take away your guns and replace them with Ayn Rand books. Marco Rubio thinks he’s Jesus and will force you to bow down when he walks by. Rick Perry is really super smart and is just pretending to be dumb until he takes over and becomes Einstein Rick and makes you learn algebra.
Y’all, we gotta get good at this stuff because apparently white people are wimps.