Archive for August, 2013

Because We Don’t Have Enough Damn Clowns in Texas

August 14, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, the entire Texas Republican congressional delegation is a damn goat rodeo.

I know that.  You know that.  Everybody knows that.

So, why do they feel the need to keep proving it?

Texas Congressman Steve Stockman on Wednesday invited the rodeo clown who stirred a ruckus at the Missouri State Fair over their portrayal of President Barack Obama to perform at a rodeo in his district.

We’re gonna import more crazy clowns.  We don’t have enough.

Holy crap, Stockman, you can’t find some famous writer to invite or maybe an astronaut or a teacher?  Oh no, you invite some goofball with an Obama mask.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Your Daily Iowa

August 14, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Being as how Texas has sent its top two Republicans to Iowa to witch slap each other into some kinky kind of bondage submission, I feel it’s my duty to let America know how Ted Cruz and Rick Perry are getting along.

Apparently, not so good.

As you recall, Rick Perry came in fifth at the last Iowa Republican crowning event.  Another finish like that and he’ll be lumps in the kitty litter again.

But, Ted Cruz is Elvis in rightwing Iowa circles.  Now, that may be only crop circles because if the birthers are right, Ted cannot be President.  But what he can do is spoil the pot for Perry.

Please don’t forget that Rick Perry endorsed Cruz’s opponent, David Dewhurst, in the primary and political revenge in Texas is a blood sport.

We know it is our duty here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. to keep you updated on Texans – especially when they go to foreign states and try to export bat crap crazy.  We take this job seriously.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

I Dunno, Maybe It’s Just Me. But We ALL Pay Your Salary

August 14, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s an Assistant US Attorney in Beaumont, Texas – yes, that is East Texas – who has  taken to Facebook to show his ability to seek justice.  Okay, not justice exactly.  More like to make a total jerk of himself.

Speaking about the Trayon Martin trial, Assistant US Attorney  John Craft tried to make Facebook friends with this —

Craft wrote: “How are you fixed for Skittles and Arizona watermelon fruitcocktail (and maybe a bottle of Robitussin, too) in your neighborhood? I am fresh out of “purple drank.” So, I may come by for a visit. In a rainstorm. In the middle of the night. In a hoodie. Don’t get upset or anything if you see me looking in your window … kay?”

Nope, no racial prejudice here.

And there’s this —

In another comment, Craft wrote that “low information voters carried the day for the Dalibama in the last election” and posted an image of a graphic that said: “Obama: Why Stupid People Shouldn’t Vote.”

Babe, Eric Holder is your boss.  Do you know who selected Eric Holder?  Honey, are you living proof that maybe stoopid people did elect somebody who would hire you?

His boss says there is not social media policy but that he found Craft’s comments to be “reprehensible.”  However, he wouldn’t say if Craft would be disciplined.

Talk is so cheap.

Thanks to Dennis for the heads up.

Sometimes Even Juanita Jean is Speechless

August 14, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hooters Restaurant, that bastion of dignity and apple pie, has drawn the line.

According to Francis Barraza, the executive director of the San Diego Republican party, the Hooters in Rancho Bernardo posted this notice refusing to serve the mayor because “women should be treated with respect.”

Lemme get this right.  Hooters, a place where the sexual harassment of women is their business model, is refusing to serve San Diego Mayor Bob Filner because women should be treated with respect.

Good thing they let the executive director of the San Diego Republican Party announce it.  The hypocrisy would have killed anybody else.  Republicans, however, have built up a tolerance.

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.


August 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, just about the best thing that has ever happened to the gay community has happened at just the right time.

It has become communistic to be a homophobe.

The Russian government’s attitude toward the LGBT community makes it very clear that being against gays is a very communist thing to do.  Yes, I am talking to you, Baptist Church.

The Russians have banned “homosexual propaganda” at the Olympics.

I am trying to think what “homosexual propaganda” is.  Will and Grace?  That whole Broadway Theater thing?  The words fabulous, hunk hunk, and sweetie, but not the words “Do you want fries with that?  and Welcome to WalMart.”  Toaster ovens?  Women’s softball?

Come on, what else?  We need to make a list for our athletes.

Thanks to John Kwitkoski for the very cool graphic.

You Don’t Have to Live in Texas to Help

August 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You can still sign up to make phone calls for Wendy or donate a few bucks.  Just let her know you’re on her side.

Texas deserves a Governor who is not a punch line.  Click right here to sign up to help Wendy!

Y’all, please let us know you’re in it to win it with us.

Reminder:  click right here.