Here’s the Deal
Okay, the Travis County (Think Austin) District Attorney’s Office is given the responsibility of investigating and prosecuting public corruption all oer Texas. The last DA, Ronnie Earl, got the indictment against DeLay and the current DA, Rosemary Lehmberg, got the conviction.
Lehmberg got arrested for and plead guilty to DWI last April. She spent 45 days in the county jail and took her full punishment.
Rick Perry wants her to resign because she’s a Democrat. If she resigns Perry will get to appoint a Republican District Attorney and start indicting every damn Democrat in Texas.
She refused to resign. She wanted to. She really did. But, she knew the price of her resignation was a Republican District Attorney who would immediately drop all charges against Tom DeLay and indict the etire Democratic Texas Senate.
She stayed put.
So, Rick Perry threatened her.
Yes, ma’am he did. Threatened her plan and simple. He told her either you resign or I will veto funding for the public integrity unit. This stuff got very serious when the Republican Lt Gov obviously falsified time documents following the Wendy Davis filibuster.
In June, Perry made good on his veto.
In a two-page complaint filed shortly after Perry’s veto, the head of Texans for Public Justice accused Perry of possibly violating laws regarding coercion of a public servant, bribery, abuse of official capacity and official oppression.
“Governor Perry violated the Texas Penal Code by communicating offers and threats under which he would exercise his official discretion to veto the appropriation,” wrote Craig McDonald, the group’s executive director, in the June 26 complaint.
Travis County recuse themselves so it got tossed to neighboring Williamson County. The judge there is appointing a special prosecutor to investigate.
With any luck at all, Rick Perry and Don (oops – Tom) DeLay will eventually be sharing a jail cell or a joint appearance on Dancin’ With the Felons.
Thanks to everybody for getting excited about this.