Yesterday I told you about Cathey Engelbrecht’s True the Vote organization falsifying signatures in order to put poll watchers at African American polls. And the best part? They got caught.
Well, one of our customers got to nosing around and found something that slipped around us in June. It seems that Miss Cathey of the Golden Ripoff was whining about being audited by the IRS because her organization is so conservative.
Now Cathey Honey, lookie here and Miss Juanita of the Superhold Hairspray will try to explain this to you in a manner that you can understand. Here’s the cake. You can look at the pretty cake or you can eat it, but after you eat it you can’t look at it.
Likewise, you can be a tax exempt non-partisan organization and not pay taxes. OR, you can be a conservative activist group. You can’t be both at the same time. This isn’t one of those “just a little bit” things either. Either you’re pregnant or you’re not.
So, when you took your non-partisan little group and got involved in the Scott Walker recall, you not only ate that cake, but you also had frosting all over your mouth.

And then you whined about having OSHA make “an unscheduled” visit to the machine shop you and your hubby own. Cathey, Cathey, Cathey, all of OSHA’s visits are unscheduled. That’s the purpose of their visits. In fact, it is freekin’ illegal for them to let you know ahead of time.
Next she claimed they got fined $25,000 for “minor” things. Which was so unfair and she was being so picked on and oh dear God, what a victim of governmental meanness she is.
Well, come to find out, Cathey wasn’t exactly telling the truth. And let’s face it, she’s had a lot of practice at that. There were nine violations ranked as “serious.”
… the business was cited for obstructions in aisles, neglect in labeling non-exit doorways that could be mistaken for exits, failure to make sure the forklift operators wore seatbelts, not providing employees operating a metal grinder with protective eyewear, allowing an employee to operate a forklift without proper training and certification, failure to install guards on rotating grinders and band saws, failure to anchor a milling machine to the floor, creating an electrical hazard by plugging heavy machinery and other electrical devices into portable power strips instead of fixed wiring, and failure to label numerous hazardous chemicals.
Cathey ain’t real fond of the working men and women of America. She doesn’t care much about their safety and she sure as hell doesn’t care about their right to vote.
If she’s gonna run with the big dogs, she better be prepared to get out from under the porch.
Thanks to Al for the heads up and John for the graphic.