Archive for July, 2013

Rick Perry’s BIG Announcement

July 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s not running for Governor.   In his speech, he took credit for everything that everybody else did in Texas.

He’s starting a PAC.

For those of you who think Perry leaving is a good thing, let me introduce you to Greg Abbott.   Perry without the compassion and charm.

Today’s 1,000 Words

July 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Click the little one to get the big one.

Thanks to Kathleen for the heads up!

I Guess It Needed ‘Splainin’

July 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Come to find out, Ted Cruz comes by crazy genetically. It’s DNA based wacko.

Speaking to an audience recently at the “Free the People” conference put on by the industry-financed tea party group FreedomWorks, the father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) explained how his ultra conservative worldview helped shape his son’s outlook on President Barack Obama’s policies, which the elder Cruz said are “just like the dictator Fidel Castro.”

Yep, President Obama is just like Fidel Castro.  Well, except for the beard and that whole booming stock market thing. And seizing all church owned land.  And maybe that government run single payer health care system.  And the bloody revolution and the Bay of Pigs.  And outliving every United States President since Eisenhower.

Hey, but other than that – exactly like Fidel Castro.  Exactly.

Here’s the Deal

July 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am unable to go to Austin today and that makes me mad as the dickens.  As you probably know, there is ice flowing in my veins, and I’d hate to give up being a warm blooded creature and lose my career as a semi-famous minor local  E-list celebrity.  Okay, that was an overstatement.  We’ll go with “person vaguely known at the local grocery store.”

So, since the weather in Austin is unwelcoming to cold blooded creatures, I’m leaving it to my younger sisters to go fight the good fight.  They have promised to text me during the day and send pictures.

I’ll post first hand updates here and update it throughout the day.

You go, Girlfriends!

UPDATE:  They encouraged women to show up at 7:00 this morning to sign up to testify.  In this case, the blue shirts are the bad guys and the orange shirts are the good guys.  Rumor had it that the blue shirted government control people were going to be let in first.  So … orange shirts lined up outside the capitol, trying to get in the speak at 7:00 this morning.

UPDATE#2 (11:20) My friend and Matagorda County Democratic Chairman Nora Dearing sent this picture of the line waiting to get into the hearing room.

And her ticket showing that she is in Group #9 to testify.  She is going to have a loooong wait.

Nora says it’s pretty peaceful so far but she did see a sign saying Ohio Supports Pro-Life Texas.  She says the number of blue and orange shirts are about even.

Nora showing off the posters they are giving out at the capitol.

Excuse Me, But The State That Has Mardi Gras Thinks That Rainbow Flags Are Over The Top?

July 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You gotta love Louisiana.  Well, you don’t but I do because it’s right next door and my Daddy was born in New Orleans.  A lot of family couldn’t read a map so they never got to Texas.

So, the Pride Day in Lafayette was held at a public park and the celebrants hoisted a rainbow flag up the flag pole.  No American flags were removed or flown below the rainbow flag.

Korean War veteran Ray Green says he was offended by the flag on public property.

“I did not go overseas and fight for our country so that we could come back and be subject to something like that,” Green said Friday. “Several of us (veterans) feel that the flying of this flag is a poke in the eye of a way of life.”

Now, I don’t want to be picky but a whole bunch of gay folks also served in the military to fight for their right to have a way of life that’s none of Ray Green’s business.

But, let’s not let reason enter into this.  Heavens, no!

Ray continues in the hometown newspaper —

“That has offended many, many, many veterans. It offended me,” he said.

Green said he’s not “against the gays” but is against “the act itself.”

Well then, Ray, don’t do that act.

And he puts icing on the gay cake by adding —

“And I’m against the possibility of them getting together for another demonstration and taking down the American flag,” he said.

And, Ray, I am against the possibility that you might strip yourself nakkid except for some boobie beads and parade down I-10 singing about Marie Laveau.  So we better not let you outta the house.  Hell, you might even do that act itself.   Apparently, just because you haven’t done something before now doesn’t mean you won’t.

We have to careful about things like this.  You just never know.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

And Then On Top Of It All

July 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, you guys remember when Rick Perry made a total jerk of himself by insulting Wendy Davis on a very personal level.  That was way back on June 26th that he said that.

So, today is July 7th and it took him that long to come up with this.

Speaking Sunday, Perry also addressed inflammatory comments he made last week about Davis’ own history as a teen mother. In the wake of Davis’ filibuster, Perry gave a speech saying it was “unfortunate” that Davis “hasn’t learned from her own example.”

“Those comments were meant to be a compliment to her,” Perry said on Sunday.

I know the man is slower than a sloth on a snail’s back but holy crap I could have come up with something better in two damn weeks.  Two weeks to come up with, “Well, duh, Bubba, I thought calling her names was complimentary.”  I think the word he was looking for is complementary, as in “free.”

He’s gonna want to be President.  So he can finish insulting every other woman in America.  For free.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.