Archive for July, 2013
CaCa del Toro / UPDATED
You know how I don’t cuss because it upsets Momma? You know how I say Sumbitch only about three times a year?
Well, sumbitch, sumbitch, sumbitch, sumbitch. Sum uva bitch, sumbitch.
Today at the Texas House hearings on the bill that will practically outlaw a woman’s constitutional right to abortion, they aren’t afraid of Wendy Davis’ filibuster skills. No, siree.
Now they are terrified, mortified, and frightened of tampons.
Tampons. Tamfreekin’pons.
State troopers are confiscating tampons, maxi pads and other potential projectiles from those who are entering the Texas capitol to watch the debate and vote on a controversial anti-abortion bill. Guns, however, which are typically permitted in the state capitol, are still being allowed.
And do you want to know why tampons and sanitary pads are being confiscated from female purses prior to women being allowed into the gallery?
Officers clarified that the list of items not permitted in the gallery was not new and that the confiscations were an effort to maintain the “rules of decorum.”
I have been in the Senate gallery many times and never once did I see sanitary napkins removed from anyone’s purse.
But it gets worse.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a damn minute. You can take a handgun in the Senate gallery but not a dangerous projectile like a sanitary napkin?
How about ball point pens? Nail clippers? Perfume bottles? Crap, there are 50 things in a woman’s purse heavier and more dangerous than a tampon. No, make that 60 because I forgot about the Nook and the pliers in my purse.
Here’s my opinion: this was done for only one reason – an attempt to humiliate women and to remind them that they are different.
They should have guns, not menstrual cycles.
UPDATED: Democratic Senator Kirk Watson stood with Texas Women by contacting the senate’s sergeant-at-arms after hearing about the “ridiculous” prohibition.
The TDS Troopers then got orders to allow tampons and sanitary napkins on the floor of the Texas Senate.
I love Senator Watson and I suspect he had to do this because this was man thing with the DPS.
One more thing: some sources are saying that the original order was made to preserve the “decorum” of the Texas Senate. Holy crap – they backdated time stamps and lied on government documents during the last session. The Texas Senate, under Republican leadership, has developed all the decorum of a two bit whorehouse.
Best Tweet so Far:
What the Frosty?
Okay, I’m the the car with a cell phone posting which ain’t easy but George Zimmerman’s lawyer just said that no matter what the jury’s verdict, his “client’s life will never be the same.”
Dude, neither will Trayvon Martin’s.
Plus, if Zimmerman walks, he’ll be hired by Fox News next week as their legal / self-defense expert.
So Now You Have a Reason To Go To Church on Sunday and Pray. Or, In The Alternative, Stay Indoors to Avoid Lightening Strikes
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott wants to share the Lord’s day.
Attorney General Greg Abbott is tipping his hand ever so slightly about his San Antonio appearance Sunday, with his campaign rebranding it from a meet-and-greet to a “major announcement.”
Abbott widely is expected to announce for governor in the wake of Gov. Rick Perry’s decision not to seek re-election, and he’s the odds-on favorite.
His campaign just revealed a day ago that Abbott has raised nearly another $5 million.
Well, he’s going to announce that he can fill Rick Perry’s boots. And he probably can. My dog Truman could fill Rick Perry’s boots, too, but with something that smells better than Abbott.
Rick Perry was a doofus. Greg Abbott scares the crap outta me. He’s meaner than a hurricane with two eyes.
These were his political signs before there even was a Tea Party.
He’s just a shiver looking for a spine to run up.
Your Assignment for Today
This will be fun.
Texas Women will be going back to Austin today as the Senate re-considers the bill.
We are trying to gather as many pictures as possible of people in Texas and even from foreign states Standing with Texas Women.
Here’s how it works.
1. Take a picture of yourself holding a homemade sign that says “I Stand With Texas Women” and the name of your city or town (optional).
2. Send that picture to:
Here’s where you can email your photo:
Or you can submit it on our Tumblr:
I’ll give you the link where they’re posted as soon as we get some up. This can be as simple or as creative as you want it.
Thanks for your help!
This is So Almost True That Most Folks Believe It
AUSTIN (The Borowitz Report)—Republican lawmakers in the Texas State Senate are proposing a precedent-setting new bill that would make it illegal for women to live in the state.
Senator Harland Dorrinson, one of the many pro-life lawmakers backing the woman ban, crafted his bill after witnessing Senator Wendy Davis filibuster an anti-abortion bill last month.
“That was our moment to say, ‘Enough is enough,’ ” he said. “This comes down to a choice between life and women, and we choose life.”
There’s more ….