Archive for May, 2013

There’s An App for That

May 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you want to avoid putting a dime in the pocket of the Koch Brothers?

There’s an app for that.

Buycott is the app that lets you scan a product and see who makes it.  Better yet …

Even more impressively, you can join user-created campaigns to boycott business practices that violate your principles rather than single companies. One of these campaigns, Demand GMO Labeling, will scan your box of cereal and tell you if it was made by one of the 36 corporations that donated more than $150,000 to oppose the mandatory labeling of genetically modified food.

I downloaded it and can’t wait to take it to the grocery store.  If anybody else is using it, let me know.

Oh Ted, We Hardly Knew Ye

May 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so this is fun.

If you go to our local GOP website, you will see this.  (Click the little one to see the big one.)

I have nicely circled the thing you need to click if this wasn’t a picture.  You have to go  to the actual website to make the link work but I was a afraid they’d take it down once they discover their mistake.

Once you click it, you are taken to a supposedly Hispanic pro-GOP website called

And today’s news story there is about Ted Cruz.  And it ain’t nice.

Yep, it says, “Ted Cruz’s actions are poisoning the waters among Hispanics.”

The Hispanic author blasts Cruz for not favoring the Dream Act and for pandering to the far rightwing.  The jest of the article comes in these paragraphs.

Why does Ted Cruz oppose citizenship for those living here illegally, yet support the Cuban Adjustment Act, which grants citizenship to Cubans for the same residency issues? It makes no sense, and his actions are poisoning the waters among Hispanics in Texas which are 80 percent Mexican.

Our Texas Senator should understand the dynamics of his state better. I am saddened to know he thinks so little of the immigrants who came here for a better life, whether they came legally or just crossed the Rio Grande for survival.

So, I suspect we should take it that the Republican Party of Fort Bend County and The Republican Party of Texas  does not support Ted Cruz because they are endorsing opposition opinions.

That kinda makes me happy.

Thanks to Skip for the heads up.

The Best Thing To Happen All Year

May 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please let me introduce Dr. Steve Hotze.  He’s a major player in Texas Republican politics.  He’s a nut.  Honey, he wouldn’t be stable even if you mounted him on a tripod.

He is a medical doctor who practices non-traditional therapy for what ails you, mostly medicines you can only buy from him.

Now he’s become a techno rock star.  He has recorded two songs.  God Fearing Texans Stop Obamacare and Texans Stand Against Obamacare for the non believers.

You can also listen to them right here.

You kinda owe it to yourself to hear this because teaspoons caught in the garbage disposal  sound better.  And they also rhyme better, too.

The very best part of it is that Hotze needs laughing at.

Thanks to Joy for the heads up.

Fun With Guns, Creepy Edition

May 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s in Tennessee.

Kevin Sayre, who is 26 years old, was field stripping his two Glock pistols – because you can’t eat just one – in his apartment and accidentally shot his 13 month old daughter through the chest.

The baby was flown to a children’s hospital and is expected to survive. She is in critical but stable condition. The bullet traveled through the child’s chest and through a recliner before coming to rest in a diaper bag, a neighbor told WSMV.

Kevin Sayre, the new face of the NRA.

Oh Right. It Just Had To Be a Texas Congressvarmint

May 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Mark Sanford slithers back to Washington DeeCee and opens his congressional office with a reception.

On to the party. A couple dozen Sanford friends gathered and supped on subs, macaroni salad, chops, water, cookies, and Coke products. Sanford’s paramour-turned-fiancée Maria Belen-Chapur arrived shortly after noon, wheeling luggage behind her and kibbitzing with the new congressman’s friends. In 20 minutes, no other members of the House GOP conference showed up, though one sent an avatar.


Okay, Steve Stockman, I think we could have done without the balloons and crap.  This ain’t junior high school … oh wait.  Never mind.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Monthly Invitation

May 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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