I want to welcome you to Williamson County. It’s north of Austin and dangerously close to Waco.
It used to populist farm and ranch land until Del Webb built a Sun City there and imported a bunch of old gripey people. Then the whole place just went to hell. My good friend and long time customer Ellen in Texas (sometimes called EClaire) is a rancher in Williamson County and volunteers down at the Democratic headquarters.
Well, Williamson County is minus one constable because Constable Bobby Gutierrez retired. Constables are elected but Ole Bobby had just about all he could take and retired mid term. Constables serve civil papers. They are also licensed police offices in the state of Texas.
When we’re minus a constable in Texas, Commissioners Court gets to appoint one which is a damn shame because Commissioners Court in Texas is generally four good-ole-boys who couldn’t make a living in the real world so they got themselves elected to the public feed pen and spend the remainder of their days sitting around spending the county’s money and putting a few extra dollars in their own pockets. They are the single most powerful and the most corruptible elected job in the state of Texas.
Needless to say, they are owned by developers and people who want cushy overpaid non-bid county contracts. But, I’m getting off the topic here. You just say Commissioners Court, and I start shaking so badly that I could thread a sewing machine when it’s running.
So the Williamson County Commissioners begin the interview process for the new constable.
No wait, interview process is not the right word. The word I am looking for is … uh, hummm … oh yeah, freekin’ inquisition.
They interviewed five candidates. And the questions they asked those candidates during the interviews raised eyebrows.
“Was I for gay marriage or against gay marriage?” former candidate Robert Lloyd said he was asked. “The next question was, what was my thoughts on abortion? Was I pro-life or pro-choice?”
Well, raised eyebrows is not the right word. The right word would be … stirred enough crap to float three outhouses down the Brazos River. A damn constable does not marry people or enforce abortion restrictions.
Article 1 of the Texas Bill of Rights states, “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State”
Well, except for constable in Williamson county.
Every civil rights leader, legal scholar, and real Texan is mad as a wet hen about this. There were five people interviewed, all with decades of law enforcement experience, ready and willing to take the $72,000 a year job and it boils down to gay marriage and abortion. I guess I’m kinda surprised that they weren’t asked if they hated Barack Obama enough to go to Washington DeeCee and serve eviction papers on him.
But here’s where the story gets funny.
Even after all that crap stompin’, violations of the law, and grandstanding, do you wanna know who the commissioners choose?
After asking about gay marriage, abortion and religion, commissioners unanimously appointed Kevin Stofle, a former assistant chief with the Georgetown Police Department.
Stofle does have decades of law enforcement experience, but he also has family ties to the commissioners court. His brother-in-law, Hal Hawes is the commissioners’ attorney. Hawes’ wife is still registered as the creator of the website www.kevinstofle.com.
But Commissioner Covey says that had nothing to do with the decision to appoint Stofle.
A good-ole-boy. A brother-in-law. So they are against gay marriage and abortion, but they all dandy with incest.
So they hired the brother-in-law of the man who gives them legal advice. Honey, if that ain’t a bucket full of irony, I’ll dance on Main street with Grandma’s broom.
Thanks to Jimbo for the heads up.