Archive for May, 2013

So Sorry, Issa. (Not Really.)

May 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Can we now hold a hearing on why Darrell Issa spent taxpayer money to hold a hearing that turned out to be nada?

All the promised hoopla on Benghazi from their “whistle blower” proved to be pure raw unadulterated crapola from  “the worst manager I’ve ever seen in the Foreign Service.”

Issa is walking round trying to clean egg off his face, but the real test of his manhood will come when Hillary Clinton giggles at him in the hallway.

So, here’s my question, what was Issa covering up with these hearings?

Let me admit that I do not like Darrell Issa.  I think the devil has a mortgage on his soul.  I also think he bucks in eight different directions at once just to get attention.

His purpose of these hearings was to make Hillary Clinton look bad.  If ya hunt bear you need more than a stick.  Issa had a twig.

The Celebratory Side of Mass Murder

May 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Because I have been so distracted with local politics, I haven’t had time to write about stuff that makes me crazy.

This has been mentioned in some comments and I can’t let it fade away without saying SUMBITCH.

Texas Congressvulture Steve Stockman is giving away a gun on his webiste, but not just any gun.  No siree, in honor of the kids and teachers killed in Newtown, Stockman is giving away a coveted Bushmaster AR15.


Hell, there’s far too many “libruls” sad about Newtown.  Let’s change this bummer event into a celebration of the Second Bygawd Amendment.   Let’s keep mass killings where they belong – in the hands of crazy people!

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Oh, And Tomorrow’s School Board Race Just Got Better UPDATED!

May 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I told you last week about our school board race where the Tea Party jerks are trying to buy a school board.

I told you about Rodney Vannerson, a GOP political hack and his sister, the hot shot Republican liar -for-hire campaign consultant, and their desperate attempt to round up candidates even on the last day of filing.   They got themselves some doozies, Honey.  Rodney set up a Political Action Committee called the Whistle PAC and raised money from out of the district.  In fact, not one penny he raised was from within the district.

Well, Ole Rodney got caught by the Richmond Police Department stealing Democratic yard signs and the one Tea Party guy currently on the school board was always lurking around the area when signs were stolen.  These are not nice people, and they don’t play well with others.

So, yesterday, our local afternoon newspaper arrives with another school board front page story.  It seems that one of their candidates, who has taken at least $2,500 from them, is now disavowing them.  I can’t show you the whole story because you have to subscribe to read it online, but here’s a PDF of part of the story.

It’s a great story.  Katheryn Kaminski, their candidate for District 1, has “disavowed” the PAC and Vannerson.  Although she admits that she would not have been able to run without their money, she promises not to take any more money from them.  It’s Friday.  The election is tomorrow.  Big heaping thanks.

Kaminski  runs an after-school program in the school district.  She has paid $6,000 for the right to run the program in two schools.  Next year the price is going up to $53,298 for those same two schools.  She says that the fact that she has to pay considerably more to the rent the school did not enter into her decision to run for the school board.  Of course not.

Meanwhile, Vannerson was running around town trying to convince everybody that candidates had to take down all their signs after early voting ended last Tuesday and then put them back up on election day.  Well, we need to hire somebody to walk around behind him scooping up the goofy because of course candidates do not have to take down signs for those 4 days.  Personally, I think Vannerson has a very unnatural relationship with political signs.

And, come to think of it, most everything else.

And Ms. Kaminski, I would trust your disavowment a tad more if you would return their money.  That money did not come from the people in this school district and you should not have taken it in the first place.  Your opponent got out and raised money on her own and you should have, too.  We have lost some of what is good about America because politicians take money from shady characters because that’s easy.  Don’t be part of the problem.

There.  I feel better.

UPDATED:  You know that part where I said I feel better.  I don’t.  Ms. Kaminski took an additional $2,500 from Vannerson after everyone knew he was stealing signs.  And, she allowed her name to be used on an email that went out this morning at 5:00 on election day with scurrilous charges, half truths, and outright lies.  You lied, Ms. Kaminski.  You said you disavowed yourself from the PAC but you continue to use their money and their campaign tools.  Didn’t your Momma ever tell you about having your cake and eating it to?

And yes, I did notice that this email does not have the proper disclaimer as required under Texas law.  Ironic, no?

Honor Among Thieves

May 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s good to know that there is honor even among the GOP thieves in the Senate.

The committee rejected the amendment by a vote of 5 to 13, with three Republicans — Orrin Hatch (Utah), Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and Jeff Flake (Ariz.) — joining Democrats to vote against it.

There is a price to be paid for being a son of a motherless goat.  Even the other goats shun you.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen, who is cooking with gas today, for the heads up.

What is This? Crazy Texas Day?

May 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now it’s Texas senior senator John Cornyn being batcrap crazy.

Texas Sen. John Cornyn (R) on Thursday warned his colleagues in the Senate that people who were “wearing some form of turban” were illegally immigrating into the United States by crossing the Southern border.

Turbans.  You know, like this:

Or maybe even like this?

Cornyn says that he had “anecdotal” evidence that we only catch one out of four people coming across the border illegally.  Senator Chuck Schumer corrects Cornyn’s “anecdotal” hysteria with GAO facts – showing about an 80% rate and improving.

I have yet to hear of a terrorist coming across the Mexican border.  However, there’s that dangerous Canadian border.   You don’t see Cornyn in hysteria over that.

Plus, those Canadians even let Ted Cruz in.  Talk about terrorism!

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

I Hate Twitter. I Hate It, I Tell You.

May 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so now when I see a headline that says “House Republican Compares President Obama to Convicted Murderer Jodi Arias,” all I think is “Oh please, dear God, don’t let it be a Texas congressman.  Not this time.  Oh please.  Let him be from South Carolina.  Or Georgia.  We haven’t heard crazy crap from Georgia in a while.  It’s their turn.  But not Texas, Lord.  Please.”

Apparently, I have been paying the wrong preacher.  Because God is giggling at me.

It’s Steve Stockman.


So now President Obama is a brutal murderer.

Look, Steve, I know the Benghazi hearings haven’t stunned a nation.  I recognize that the stock market is doing well and jobs are picking up.  I know this has got to be terribly disappointing to you.  But, really?

There were at least 12 embassy attacks under Bush and you don’t see me comparing him to O J Simpson.  Okay, maybe that once but I don’t think you saw that and it was just once.

Can we get the Texas Republican delegation off of Twitter for a day or two before they burn that sucker to the ground?

Thanks to Brian C for the head up.