Archive for May, 2013

It’s In One of Them Yankee States, Right?

May 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I know I don’t need to tell you this and Public Policy Polling probably wasted money on a poll we can liken to, “What would you rather do:  Have a root canal or spend a day at the beach?”

But, poll they did and discovered —

… the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don’t actually know where it is. 10% think it’s in Egypt, 9% in Iran, 6% in Cuba, 5% in Syria, 4% in Iraq, and 1% each in North Korea and Liberia with 4% not willing to venture a guess.

Personally, I think the 4% not willing to venture a guess are the smartest of the crew.

Much to the chagrin of Republicans, PPP also found some other obvious numbers.

PPP’s newest national poll finds that Republicans aren’t getting much traction with their focus on Benghazi over the last week. Voters trust Hillary Clinton over Congressional Republicans on the issue of Benghazi by a 49/39 margin and Clinton’s +8 net favorability rating at 52/44 is identical to what it was on our last national poll in late March. Meanwhile Congressional Republicans remain very unpopular with a 36/57 favorability rating.

Yeah, she’s smiling.

She is the scandal whisperer.

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

It’s the First World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon Sing Along!

May 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Oh Honey, Nancy found us a treasure.  Turn up the sound and click right here.

And don’t miss this.

Or the Lindsay Graham one.  Drama Queen!

And the hits just keep on coming!

Well, This is Strange

May 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen say down with this mother yesterday and they thumbed through campaign finance reports.  Some people work crossword puzzles, some knit or sew, others look at campaign finance reports because that’s far more fun.

Well, come to find out the “US-Cuba Democracy Political Action Committee” (Isn’t that the one Lee Harvey Oswald founded?) gave a hunk o’ cash to Senator Ted Cruz to help retire his campaign debt.

That’s nice.  I mean, they are based in Hialeah, Florida, which is kinda close to Texas, well, in global mapping terms.

The only problem with giving Ted Cruz money to retire his campaign debt is that he doesn’t have a campaign debt.  (PDF file opens at the link.)

Schedule B of your report discloses one or more contributions to RAFAEL EDWARD TED CRUZ for the retirement of debts incurred by the 2012 Primary election campaign; however, it appears that the recipient committee(s) had insufficient debts to warrant such a contribution. Please note that a committee may only designate contributions to retire a candidate’s debts if those debts exist. (11 CFR §§ 110.1(b) and 110.2(b))

So they have to get a refund or else Fidel Castro will live forever just to piss them off.  Okay, okay, I just made that up.  Either they get a refund from Ted or they get fined.  I imagine that getting a refund from Ted will be on the same difficulty level as teaching a mermaid to do the splits.

Thanks to You Know Who for the heads up.

Oh John, We Told You That Whatever Ted Cruz Has is Contagious

May 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Cornyn thought we told him that Ted Cruz’s behavior was courageous.  We said contagious.  John got confused.

It’s too late now, of course, so here goes John Cornyn acting the fool.

John Cornyn

Cornyn worked himself into a lather over the fact that Texas does not have enough judges to keep those turban wearing fake Mexicans out of the USofA.

During the Judiciary Committee’s recent hearing on immigration reform, Sen. Cornyn complained that his home state of Texas was suffering from a shortage of immigration judges. Thousands of illegal immigrants cross the Southern border into Texas each year, Cornyn explained, many of them even “wearing some form of turban.”

He was sure that had to be President Obama’s fault because everything that pisses off John Cornyn is President Obama’s fault.   Steak undercooked?  Obama’s fault for not wanting to burn more fossil fuels.   Pants too tight?  Obama’s fault for wanting more unions.  Can’t get your 5 year old a pink gun?  Well, duh, Obama’s fault because what 5 year old can pass a background check?  Your wife not sexually satisfied?  Obama’s fault because he wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole.

So Cornyn, who is suffering from Cruzmania, pitches a fit over the lack of judges in Texas. Never mind that Cornyn sees it as his mission in life to block every judicial appointment.

One of my favorite people, Patrick Leahy points out to Cornyn —

Based on 38 years experience here, every judgeship I’ve seen come through this committee during that time has followed recommendations by the senators from the state. You have to have recommendations from the senators.

At which point, Cornyn bounces back that he and his partner Cruz have set up a commission to “vet potential judicial nominees.”  So there.

To which Leahy asks politely if they had any recommendations yet.  Cornyn responded with his best Forrest Gump impression —

Well it’s uh, we’re working on that. What is this, May? And we’re trying to, we’re trying — we’re working on that.

As my favorite philosopher says, “Try not.  Either do or do not.  There is no try.”

And as my favorite Senator Senator replied to Cornyn, “I would be happy to help you.”

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Step Away From the Keyboard and Call Your Mother

May 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

That’s an order.

If your Momma ain’t still on the earth, call mine.

Momma and me at lunch today. Momma is 87 years old and can still catch me from behind.

Well, They Have Hacked Me Off Now

May 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a gorgeous day here on the Texas coast and I am headed out to round up voters for my local school board election.  The Tea Party jerks sent out an outrageous email this morning, filled with lies.  They also raised an additional $10,000 from Perry Homes to use for attacks.  The most that’s ever been spent on a school board race here is about $500. This is a game changer for our little school board and it is not for the good.

If anybody is running a google search for Rodney Vannerson, he’s a bully and a narcissistic  jerk. And a damn thief.  And more.  I’m pretty convinced that he has cloven hooves.

I don’t know if we’re going to win because the rich Republican neighborhoods are turning out heavily but I am going to fight until 7:00 tonight.

I’ll let you know how it turns out.