Archive for April, 2013

There is No Joy in Texas

April 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The little town of West, Texas, has been leveled to the ground.  What was is no more.

We can take small comfort that the explosion was after school was out or the toll could have been much, much worse.

I cannot and will not speculate on the cause of this horror that came without warning to so many people going about their lives expecting to be here today.

I am, however, lifted by the spirit of the American people, who run toward blazing hellholes and flying shrapnel to rescue people they don’t even know.  We are good people.

And They Also Have Idiots Trained To Be Congressmen

April 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert.


That is all.

The Tea Party favorite said he feared people entering the country illegally or posing as undocumented Hispanic immigrants could carry out “copycat things.” “We know Al Qaeda has camps on the Mexican border,” he said. “We have people that are trained to act Hispanic when they are radical Islamists.”

Seriously, y’all, I’m having a real hard time not sending him email love letters in Spanish with pictures of Penelope Cruz attached.

Good News From Texas

April 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We are joining the 21st century.

House Bill 313, which received praise from committee members in a Monday hearing, and Senate Bill 315, which was voted out of committee Thursday, propose allowing voters to register online and have that application automatically authenticated rather than having to wait on local election officials to reenter the data in their systems and confirm it.

Texas will save about 80 cents her voter application by allowing online registration.  Those savings, of course, will be put in a lockbox for Rick Perry to display during his Presidential run.  Hungry children might be allowed to look at it but not touch it.

If you’re from around here, call your lege varmint and let them know you favor online voting registration because, dammit, these computer dohickeys ain’t just a passing fad.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

Rare Wednesday Toon

April 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Darlin’, I Need Me Some Of Those Cool Kim Jung Un Sunglasses

April 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who is a mentally disturbed Tea Party damfool, has made a proclamation.

Democrats are more dangerous to Texas than unstable short Korean dictators with bad haircuts and, oh yeah, nukes.

I do think I’ll be wearing my ta-tas a little higher and prouder for the next few days.

“One thing that requires ongoing vigilance is the reality that the state of Texas is coming under a new 
assault, an assault far more dangerous than what the leader of North Korea threatened when he said he was going to add Austin, Texas, as one of the recipients of his nuclear weapons,” Abbott said. “The threat that we’re getting is the threat from the Obama administration and his political machine.”

Y’all, I had no idea that I am a cog in a dangerous threat more powerful that a speeding bullet or, oh yeah, a nuke.

I’m proud as a dog with two tails, Honey.  I can’t wait to walk up to Greg Abbott and start doing a backwards countdown from 10.  Or, we can shake up a coke can and then open it behind his back and watch him have to wade home.

See, there he is in front of his cement bunker.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Finally! We’ve All Been Waiting!

April 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today is the day.

Debbie Riddle, the meanest craziest woman in the Texas Lege has decided on her cause this year.

Hairspray and Cobwebs

Immodest breastfeeding.

I’m not sure what that is, but it could not be good.

Two years ago the Republican men of the Texas Legislature embarrassed themselves by circulating a picture of a  nursing woman to make a “joke” about a “nanny state.”  Democratic State Representative Senfronia Thompson took to the floor and gave an impassioned speech that to this day still echos in the halls of that chamber, shaming them.

At that time Debbie Riddle stood with the women of the Texas House, although she couldn’t help but patronize Rep. Thompson, who is a lawyer and the longest serving Democrat in the House.

But now Debbie has changed her tune and wants to outlaw ‘immodest nursing.”

Now, I am all in favor of breast feeding – however it is important for women to be modest while feeding their baby – and most women are modest and respectful. But, a bill that would allow for law suits if one “interfered” with a woman breast feeding is really going a bit far. If a business owner objects to a woman who is not being modest then be fearful of a law suit is government out of control.

We already have laws again indecency in this state.  But Riddle wants the standard for proper breastfeeding to be left to men.  You know, the same men who think breasts are funny and should be joked about.

Let me tell you what is government out of control – government that allows men to make decisions about women’s bodies.

Stuff it, Debbie.  Everybody knows you’re held together with hairspray and cobwebs anyway.

Thanks to Warner for the heads up.

And from Texas Ellen —