Archive for April, 2013

Thank You, Arkansas

April 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, Arkansas State Representative Nate Bell has let us know who the cowards are …

Dude, they trusted law enforcement to do the job.

But, hey, thanks for making it clear that all idiots do not live in Texas.

Thanks to Bosco for the heads up.


April 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

What a disappointment this must be to Louie Gohmert (who thought it was Islamic terrorists trying to act like Mexicans) and Ted Cruz (who thought it must be space aliens or liberals).

The Rotten Two-Faced Scoundrels

April 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry, who is perfectly willing to let working families go without health care rather than take money from Washington, DeeCee, and who threatens to secede from the union about once a week because the federal government is evil, evil I tell you, is shuffling around with his hat in his hands.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) on Thursday declared a disaster area and said he planned to request federal funds in response to an explosion at a fertilizer plant in Waco that may have killed as many as 15 people.

At a press conference, the governor thanked President Barack Obama for calling for offer quick action after Wednesday night’s explosion.

Oh yeah, this is the same sumbitch who said that Washington DeeCee is spending our grandchildren into poverty.

I just cannot wait to hear what Ted Cruz has to say about this after he voted against relief for hurricane Sandy victims, pompously proclaiming ….

“This bill is symptomatic of a larger problem in Washington — an addiction to spending money we do not have. The United States Senate should not be in the business of exploiting victims of natural disasters to fund pork projects that further expand our debt.”

Let’s watch these two make political hay out of the victims in West, Texas.  I can promise you that few rungs are gonna get knocked out from under their ladder.

I think this is akin to Senator Rob Portman.  When it’s you ox that’s being gored, it’s a different ballgame.

Perry and Cruz both can kiss my big blue butt.

Not the Best of Defenses

April 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So you’re a Texas school teacher and you’ve been accused of molesting one of your first-grade students.

You know that you probably should have talked to a lawyer before you came up with this defense

But Stokes has denied the allegations, claiming that her racist tendencies would prevent her from ever fondling a black student.

“She (said she) doesn’t like to even touch the black children on their hand, she shies away when they try to hug her — she admitted to being prejudice [sic],” Blanchard told KHOU 11 News.

True, the school was in Humble, Texas, where being a racist is practically required for home purchase, but the case will be set in Harris County – where racism isn’t tested with your driver’s license renewal.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Teddy and the Cruzers

April 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, if this whole senatoring thing doesn’t work out for Ted Cruz, there’s always a chance he could make it as a comedian.  He had Chuck Schumer laughing out loud yesterday on the Senate floor.

Crazy Cruz

Behaving like an eighth grade debater who hadn’t done his research, Cruz got trapped in an indefensible position on the Senate floor during the shameful gun debate.

Cruz tried to defend his statement that the bill “might,” by gawd, lead to a national registry.  I think it’s far more likely that Ted Cruz being in the senate might lead to forty miles of rough road, me being elected the Queen of Ohio, and something better than sliced bread.

Look, we need to order a case of goofy because Ted Cruz seems intent on waddling in some every day.

Because Watching the Super Bowl Alone is Far More Traumatic Than Your Dad Hiking the Appalachian Trail

April 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I need prayer or a good psychiatrist, either one, maybe both, because I am enjoying the life of Mark Sanford way too much for a normal person.  And sadly, I know for a fact that I am enjoying his life far more than he is.  That just doesn’t seem right.

Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford must appear in court two days after running for a vacant congressional seat to answer a complaint that he trespassed at his ex-wife’s home, according to court documents acquired by The Associated Press on Tuesday.

The complaint says Jenny Sanford confronted Sanford leaving her Sullivan’s Island home on Feb. 3 by a rear door, using his cell phone for a flashlight. Her attorney filed the complaint the next day and Jenny Sanford confirmed Tuesday the documents are authentic.

But, Mark Sanford, who has a perfectly charming reason for everything he does, says that he was only being a good father, explaining ….

I did indeed watch the second half of the Super Bowl at the beach house with our 14-year-old son because as a father I didn’t think he should watch it alone.

He also explained that the reason he didn’t call his former wife to let her know he was coming to her house, even though the divorce settlement says he can’t enter her home, was because she was out of town.  And, of course, cell phones can work as flashlights, but not to call people way over yonder in other cities.

Republicans must be thrilled with having this guy on the ticket.  At least he has reasons for being a total jerk.  Bad and ridiculous reasons, but at least they are reasons.  Which is far more than can be said for other Republicans.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.