Archive for April, 2013

Do You Wanna Know What Royally Hacks Me Off?

April 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I will tell you what royally hacks me off.

Cancer patients on Medicare can’t get their chemotherapy as of April 1st, but the FAA will delay closures of 149 unfunded air traffic control towers until June 15 because people who own private airplanes need to get places, dammit.


Almost Monthly Reminder for Newcomers

April 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You can go to Juanita’s Facebook page by clicking right here and clicking on the LIKE button to get semi-daily updates from Juanita sent directly to your Facebook Page.

How’s that for a free deal?

And The Hits Just Keep On Coming

April 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Connecticut, the official NRA firearms instructor couldn’t make it to the Gun Rights Rally at the State Capitol because … he shot himself in the foot.  Literally.

And then in Philadelphia, an off-duty New Jersey police officer accidentally shot a building.  Yep, a whole damn building.

According to police, an off-duty officer, from New Jersey, went back to his car to secure his gun after being denied access to a building.

Police say the off-duty officer’s gun accidentally discharged once, going through the window of his car and the window of Triumph Brewing Company.

No injuries have reported.

Triumph Brewing Company was closed due to the investigation.

I think the name of the building explains a lot. Or at least a little.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.


April 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry – check

Rick Santorium – check

Ted Cruz – check

Michele Bachmann – check

Rand Paul – check

Hillary Clinton – check, check, and CHECK!

There ya go.

Thanks to Brian for the chart.

Serious Crap: Why Health Care Should Be Nationalize Right Now This Minute

April 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this is a serious walleyed snot nosed hissy fit.

Take a gander at this load of crap.

Because of the sequester, thousands of cancer patients on Medicare are being denied chemotherapy.  You wanna know why?  Because the for-profit health care providers will lose money.

Cancer clinics across the country have begun turning away thousands of Medicare patients, blaming the sequester budget cuts.

Oncologists say the reduced funding, which took effect for Medicare on April 1, makes it impossible to administer expensive chemotherapy drugs while staying afloat financially.

Patients at these clinics would need to seek treatment elsewhere, such as at hospitals that might not have the capacity to accommodate them.

“If we treated the patients receiving the most expensive drugs, we’d be out of business in six months to a year,” said Jeff Vacirca, chief executive of North Shore Hematology Oncology Associates in New York. “The drugs we’re going to lose money on we’re not going to administer right now.”

There is something so base and evil about making money off suffering that it boggles my mind that we let the marketplace determine who lives and dies.  We have to put our lives in the hands of someone who looks at us by the profit we generate for them.

And then you have people like the owner of Cancer Centers of America who gave $12 million to the rightwing organization Freedom Works.   Well, apparently freedom doesn’t work for medicare patients with cancer.

Remember when the Republicans were all up in arms over “death panels.”   What the hell do they think this is?

Republicans are terrified of Rush Limbaugh and the NRA, but grandma doesn’t scare them in the least.   There is a special place in hell for those people. I just know there is.

They can kiss my big blue butt.

North By Southwest

April 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’ve heard by now that that North Korea has Austin, Texas, on their nuclear target list.

Our buddy Harold Cook has his take on it (prepare yourself for a few Austin insider jokes).  (Okay, I said the whole “Austin insider” thing because I am deeply jealous that there are only three people who “get” Richmond, Texas, insider jokes.)

I suspect Kim Jong-un wants to take out his main competition in  The World’s Dumbest Evil Leader.

Check this out:  Rick Perry says he completely understands why Kim picked Austin.  It’s because Austin is truly  “a very important city.”

Asked about North Korea’s decision to single out the relatively small city of Austin, known more for college parties and music festivals than for political power, he said he’s treating it as a “very real threat.” While he wouldn’t speculate as to whether North Korea has the missile capability to reach Austin, Perry did show some sense of pride that the city found itself on the “Very Important American Cities” list.

Oh dear Lord, Rick Perry takes Kim Jong-un very seriously.   And himself.  Rick Perry takes himself very seriously.  That makes two of them.

I ain’t scared of no nuke.  However, THAT scares me.  A lot.  I say just let them meet somewhere and duke it out.