Now Remind Me Who It Was …..
Remind me who it was who thought Bobby Jindal was the bright rising star of the GOP.
Honey, whoever is was has about the same credibility as Karl Rove and Dick Morris.
Bobby is riding in the back of the crazy wagon this week.
Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) is pulling a plan to replace the income and corporate tax with a new sales tax amid an outcry from groups ranging from clergy to business lobbyists.
Ya know, when you have both the clergy and the business people against you, you’re hurting pretty damn bad in the GOP. I mean, that double play is hard to make. You can’t do it by accident.
Do they have a rest and rehabilitation home for accident prone Republican candidates? If not, we should think about building one – we’d occupy every floor and turn a profit within a month.
By the way, is this the same Bobby Jindal who said that the Republicans should stop being the stupid Party? Oh dude, heal thyself.