Archive for April, 2013

Now Remind Me Who It Was …..

April 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remind me who it was who thought Bobby Jindal was the bright rising star of the GOP.

Honey, whoever is was has about the same credibility as Karl Rove and Dick Morris.

Bobby is riding in the back of the crazy wagon this week.

Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) is pulling a plan to replace the income and corporate tax with a new sales tax amid an outcry from groups ranging from clergy to business lobbyists.

Ya know, when you have both the clergy and the business people against you, you’re hurting pretty damn bad in the GOP.  I mean, that double play is hard to make.  You can’t do it by accident.

Do they have a rest and rehabilitation home for accident prone Republican candidates?  If not, we should think about building one – we’d occupy every floor and turn a profit within a month.

By the way, is this the same Bobby Jindal who said that the Republicans should stop being the stupid Party?   Oh dude, heal thyself.

Speaking on Behalf of People Everywhere Who Love To Laugh …

April 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry has made it official.

He’s gonna do it.

Hot damn on a sizzling platter, the man is gonna run for President.

He has, of course, three reasons:  (1) He’s rested, (2) He’s ready, and (3) Oops, he’s ready to make a fool of himself again.


Thanks to Sharon for the heads up.

The GOP Texas Primary in 2014 Just Got Fun

April 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how Grover Norquist and the NRA threaten to “primary” Republicans who don’t walk lockstep with their wacko far right unAmerican idiotic hurtful and damn stinkin’ mean goals?

Well, Texas just got lucky.  Republicans here are facing the same threats but from a different group: the people who want to make money off education.

The same group of people who used to sell used cars want  to go into the education business – building private schools.  They used to roll back the speedometer and now they want to roll back arithmetic and reading.

When you think school vouchers, visualize dollar signs going into the pocket of some guy in a plaid sports coat and a belly hanging over his belt.

Texas held back school vouchers this year, thanks to some level-headed GOP support.

GOP heavy hitters in the House joined in the 103-43 bipartisan vote for the budget amendment, saying money appropriated to the Texas Education Agency may not be used for school vouchers or tax-credit scholarships.

The GOP support came from rural Republicans who know full well that vouchers will be the death of Texas rural education.  Nobody seeing dollar signs wants to set up shop in a town with one school and a graduating class of 45 seniors.  So, those public schools will suffer greatly under big business education.

So, it comes down to Republicans threatening to primary each other.  The rightwingers are going to primary those who voted against vouchers and the rural Republicans will ban together to primary those who did.

Democrats?  Well, we’re just pickin’ and grinnin’.

Well Bring a Damn Sword, McCain

April 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John McCain is often legitimately confused about stuff but I think he’s faking it here.

There are 13 Republican senators pledging to filibuster the new gun legislation.

“I don’t understand it,” McCain said on CBS’ Face the Nation.” “The purpose of the United States Senate is to debate and to vote and to let the people know where to stand.”

Oh, this ain’t no sudden burst of damned if I know.  I’m telling ya – él entiende bueno.

McCain knows that when 92% of the American public support this legislation but Republicans can’t hack off their NRA overlords, there will not be a vote.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Sweet Jesus on a Cracker. No, Seriously. On a Cracker.

April 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I generally don’t pretend to understand on the mysteries of Sweet Jesus.  I really don’t know when he’s coming back and the Bible tells me not to speculate about that so I don’t.

However, I would be willing to bet my best pair of pink boots that he’s not going to announce his coming on a Goldfish cracker.

Patti Burke eats two or three pounds of Goldfish crackers in a week, one by one, looking for the saltiest of the snacks. But only once has she found a sign from God on a little orange cracker.

“When I picked this one up, I knew he was special,” the Melbourne woman said of her Holy Week discovery. “He had a cross on him, and he had a crown circle up by his head. Something I’ve never seen before out of all the Goldfish I’ve eaten.”

Burke couldn’t believe it on Easter Sunday, when her pastor, D. Scott Worth, began talking about fish as a symbol of Christianity in front of the congregation of Presbyterian Church of the Good Shepherd in Melbourne.

Look, I’m not saying that eating two or three pounds of Goldfish crackers a week might mess with your body chemistry and make you see things, but damn, Honey, that’s enough salt to float the USS Eisenhower.

If that is a sign from God, I think God is using a phillip’s screwdriver to tell you to quit eating so damn many Goldfish crackers.

By the way, I have decide that if I’m real good and say my prayers and treat people right, when I die I will go to heaven.  If I don’t, I will go on a Valentine Polka Cruise for all eternity.

Okay, okay, before all you polka people got crazy on me, I will admit that I like polka music.  For 10 minutes.  Once every five years or so.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

When You’re Hoping the Third Time Really Is The Charm

April 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, West Colombia, Texas, is spittin’ distance from my house.  I have to drive through West Colombia to go to a lot of places I like to go to – Corpus, Victoria, Choke Canyon State Park, Padre Island – a whole lot of places.

Thousands of gallons of oil have spilled from a pipeline in Texas, the third accident of its kind in only a week.

Shell Pipeline, a unit of Royal Dutch Shell Plc, shut down their West Columbia, Texas, pipeline last Friday after electronic calculations conducted by the US National Response Center showed that upwards of 700 barrels had been lost, amounting to almost 30,000 gallons of crude oil.

It was in West Colombia, Texas.

This is the third major oil spill in a week.

This oil flowed right into the Gulf of Mexico, which is on its way to becoming the sewage system of America. It’s full of more crap than a Port-A-Pottie Convention in Poop, Iowa.

I’m not expert at this but I  reckon that we are spilling more oil than we are using.  I’m beginning to think that these foreign oil companies are about as careful as a wild hog drive.

Honey, we all leak a little oil, but the good ones control the flow.  There doesn’t seem to be any flow control nowadays.