Archive for April, 2013

First Thing in the Morning: Republican Hoochy (or Lack Thereof) UPDATED

April 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so it’s Montana.  I imagine there’s so many other exciting things to do on long cold Montana nights that sparkin’ rarely enters their mind.

And that’s a good thing because Republicans in Montana are contending that noodlin’ is only for procreation.

Take Montana State Representative and staunch Republican Dave Hagstrom.

During the debate over SB 107, which decriminalizes homosexuality, Representative [Dave] Hagstrom (R-Billings) asked Representative Bennett, who is openly gay and was the key force behind blasting SB 107 out of committee, “why do people have sex?” And then proceeded to explain that he would be voting against SB 107 using the all too famous homophobic logic that sole purpose of sex is to produce offspring.

I find it necessary to let you ponder on Dave Hagstrom for a minute.

I’d be willing to bet my best pair of pink boots that Dave Hagstrom believes that sex is only for procreation because Mrs. Hagstrom told him that.

On behalf of Mrs. Hagstrom and the entire staff of Miss Daisy’s Big Sky Cafe in Billings, Montana, I am pleading with you not to correct Dave’s mistaken belief.  Seriously, don’t do it.  You’ll make a woman somewhere cringe and throw up.

UPDATED:  he also compares homosexual sex to a retractable ball point pen.  Apparently, he did not understand the phallic symbolism, so he doesn’t know why people are snickering.

Smokey Joe is Smokin’ Something

April 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Joe “Smokey Joe” Barton, a Texas congressvarmint from outside of Dallas says that climate change is a God-thing and he has Biblical proof.

Smokey Joe got that name because he is pretty much owned by the petrochemical industry.  If something ain’t polluting the air, Joe is losing money.

Joe says that you can have “an honest disagreement about the causes of climate change”.  You know, like you can have an honest disagreement about gravity or what causes pregnancy or whether is the earth is flat.  These, of course, are all things based not on knowledge or science; but on opinion.  My opinion is the babies are delivered on a turnip truck and hidden in hospital nurseries until you come get one.  And what’s your opinion?

See, this make science tests so much easier.

So, Smokey Joe says —

“I would point out that if you’re a believer in in the Bible, one would have to say the Great Flood is an example of climate change and that certainly wasn’t because mankind had overdeveloped hydrocarbon energy.”

And to think that there are people who call themselves Christians who seriously doubt the existence of Noah and think maybe this was an allegorical story.

Joe Barton, Republican Bible Stud

Additionally, remember God’s promise after the flood?  “I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

So, unless stupidity is going to be the way God destroys the earth – which from the looks of things might in be very strong contention – Smokey Joe is gonna have a hard time blaming this one on God.

Personally, I think climate change is caused by the carbon put out by Republican brains going up in smoke.

That’s my opinion and it’s ever bit as solid as Joe’s opinion.

Rick Perry, David Dewhurst, and Gobs of Money

April 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry and David Dewhurst have got themselves enough money to burn a wet elephant.

Rick Perry is very cool at setting up slush funds like the cancer research bond money that he handed out to his friends and donors with no research being done to cure cancer.  I am convinced that every time someone in Texas dies of cancer, God puts a little X by Rick Perry’s name.

And another of his slush funds is The Enterprise Fund, which was supposed to bring jobs and business to Texas.   The Texas Enterprise Fund is working very well —- for Rick Perry.

Texas’ top three lawmakers have collected more than $3.6 million in contributions from donors affiliated with companies that received millions in grants from a state incentive program, according to a new study from a state watchdog group.

The study, released Monday by Texans for Public Justice, delves deep into the political spending of folks associated with 38 projects that drew a total of roughly $307 million in state grants from the Texas Enterprise Fund, a job creation program that has drawn the ire of lawmakers this session because of a perceived lack of transparency.

Rick Perry has received $2 million in kickbacks.  Lt. Gov David Dewhurst pulled in $1.3 million and 90% of the $232,800 that came back to Joe Strauss came after he was elected Speaker of the Texas House.

Meanwhile, Texas schoolchildren and people on Medicaid are suffering.  But Rick has to have some walking around money.  He knows it takes money to make money and Rick Perry became a millionaire while never having a job off the public teat in his life. You can’t do that by accident.  That takes some kickbacks.

You can have educated children or Rick Perry skimming off the top.  Your choice, Texas.

Thanks to Frank for the heads up.

Yes, Mitch, I Am in Fact Rolling My Eyes

April 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitch McConnell is a pitiful excuse for a human being.

First he and his grubby little buddies meet up and giggle themselves silly about a woman’s tale of overcoming depression.  They think it’s hysterical that she looks deeply into her life and makes decision based on thought.  They point and they laugh and they berate a woman – which, by the way, passes for  foreplay in Republican circles – and hold themselves out as being the paragon of Christian virtue.

And who is the victim here?

Why, the bullies, of course.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) on Tuesday accused “the political left in America” of engaging in “Nixonian” political tactics, reacting to the publication of an audio tape of a McConnell re-election strategy session.

Mother Jones magazine published an article Tuesday based on the tape, in which campaign aides discussed how to attack potential rival Ashley Judd.

I don’t know if McConnell should be stirring up the ghost of Richard Nixon, Honey.  I guess his next statement will be, “I am not a jerk.”

Okay, everybody!, stand up wherever you are and point at the above picture of Mitch McConnell and laugh at his silly butt.  He’s earned it.

So We Have a Compromise, Huh?

April 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So it appears that we have a break from the Senate on background checks at gun shows and internet sales of military grade munitions.

So have they got Ted Cruz locked in a closet somewhere or is this compromise just meant to give the GOP an escape route from listening to Ted Cruz tell the truth about their Party during a filibuster?  You know for a fact that if they let Ted Cruz stand up there and talk for an hour or more, he’s gonna say more stooopid things that grandma can kill with her hoe.

And he’s going to do it in that GOP unapproved lispy way that has got to send shivers up, sideways, and down their spines.

And then we have Senator James Inhofe showing all the sensitivity of a snake.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Tuesday that the gun control debate doesn’t have anything to do with the families of the Newtown, Conn., shooting victims, and that the only reason those families think it does is because President Barack Obama told them it did.

Ain’t that kinda like saying, “You’ve not only lost your child, you’ve lost your brain.”

Nice going, Inhofe.  This makes us wonder what you say about these families behind closed doors if this is what you say in public.

Hey, Inhofe, did you add that you only babble like that because the NRA tells you to?

Pull that rifle outta your butt, Bubby, and try to act like a American for once.

Battleground On Fire

April 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am with 700 other Texas Women in Austin today


Talk amongst yourselves until I get through raising hell.


This was the delegation / girlfriends from my county to the Texas Blue Ribbon Day.  Everybody’s feet hurt this morning but we’re all still grinning!

We are turning Texas Blue!