Archive for April, 2013

Of Tweets and Nooses

April 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In 2011, Gov. Rick Perry appointed Barry Smitherman to lead the board that regulates the state’s oil and gas industry, which is called, oddly, the Texas Railroad Commission.   Smitherman then ran for the board and was elected in 2012.

He, of course, is an idiot who froths at the mouth as often as possible which is why he’s a friend of Rick Perry’s.

Smitherton took to the Twitter and reposted a picture showing a noose and suggesting that any of the 16 Senators who voted to debate gun control be charged with treason and hung.

He put that on Twitter.  Yeah, so everydamnbody can see it.


Barry has also launched himself a fancy pants website where this pretty much says all you need to know —

He is an outspoken critic of the Obama EPA and U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s attempts to limit U.S. oil and gas exploration and domestic power generation. Barry is an unwavering defender of the 2nd Amendment, he is pro-life, and pro-free markets. He and his wife, Marijane, have been married for 26 years and are proud parents of four children. They attend Lake Hills Church in Austin.

The website is cryptically named   Yeah, the dude has his sites set on higher office.

If you get some free time today, scamper on over and read Barry’s Blog.  Warning: grab a jacket first because this thing is gonna send chills all over ya.  From …

“Over two thousand years ago, Christ died as the payment for our sins. Three days later He conquered death and rose from the dead!”

… all the way to …

“This Saturday, February 23rd, I will be showing my support for the Second Amendment by celebrating .223 Day with our employees at the Railroad Commission of Texas. To celebrate, we will be partaking in a Concealed Handgun License course,”

… Barry touches all the hot button issues with a quick stop at marriage equality in between.  You gotta admire this.  That bar is set so high that it’d take an eagle two jumps to get over it.   From Jesus to nooses to guns and a little extra judgmental hate thrown in.

We can really grow ‘um to pander in Texas, can’t we?

East Texas, Of Course

April 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The John H. Reagan Camp #2156, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Texas Division, Palestine, Texas, are building a Confederate Veterans Memorial Plaza.  They are building it under a tree, which according to oral history, was used for lynchings.

This 100 foot by 60 foot “park” is across the street from the current veterans memorial park.

Here is an artist rendition of the [ark.

You can’t help but notice that there’s no American flag flying there.

The Palestine Branch of NAACP is planning a peaceful protest tomorrow.  The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats is asking for help but wants to make is very clear that this is a peaceful protest.

Order of Business

There will be a march to the Confederate Park and back to the Farmers Market beginning at 9:00 a.m.  After the march, a Peace Rally will be held with various guest speakers at the Farmers Market.  The Farmers Market will be open for the rally until 4:00 p.m.


All participants are expected be peaceful at all times.  If you feel that you can not remain peaceful, our cause would be better served with your absence.

I can’t be there but if you are anywhere in the area, please go.  Please be peaceful and respectful of the wishes of the Coalition of Black Democrats.

Thanks to Cecil for the heads up.

The Best Part of The Senate Allowing Gun Debate? Ted Cruz Losing His Toy.

April 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When the United States Senate voted 68 – 31 to allow a gun debate, Senator Ted Cruz shrunk 6 inches.  He was the most disappointed man in America.

This was his chance to make a name for himself with a big media splash as the guy who thinks there’s nothing this country could or should do to keep another Sandy Hook from happening.   And they took it away from him.

He lost the chance for his moral outrage to be the real victim at Sandy Hook.

So now he’s standing around with his gun in his hand and no one to shoot.  That’s kinda sad.

Nah …..

Thanks to Mary for the heads up.

Nuke Watch!

April 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thelma and Verdelia are standing around the beauty salon with football helmets on waiting for North Korea to launch their missile which Verdelia is convinced is headed directly for wherever she’s at because she’s a rather large target.

And they are especially concerned since Dick Cheney has announced that he’s scared.  We’ve told them that the only reason Cheney is scared is that he can’t figure out a way to make money off a war with North Korea unless he’s Vice President of North Korea and the electrical cord on his bionic heart doesn’t reach that far.  Plus, we’ve heard that job is already taken by Kim Jong Unhung.

Last we heard over at CNN is that North Korea has the weapon in the full upright and locked position.  That’s, indeed, a start.

I think they’re waiting for Dennis Rodman to come flip the switch.  I dunno, but if this whole thing involves Dennis Rodman, a short guy named Kim, and Dick Cheney, it’s got viral internet fail written all over it.

Further Proof That Ann Coulter Is The Single Most Classless Human Being on God’s Green Earth

April 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


She makes jokes about killing Meghan McCain.

You know Miss Thelma Lucille over at the trailer park who has made size 4X leopard skin stretch pants famous and owns the largest collection of velvet Elvis paintings in a seven southern state area?  More class than Ann Coulter.

Kim Jung Un?  More class than Ann Coulter.

The evil super villain cafeteria in hell?  More class than Ann Coulter.

Fire ants?  More class than Ann Coulter.

Invasive crabgrass?  More class and usefulness than Ann Coulter.

Other People’s Money

April 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I suspect that by now you’ve realized that Republicans never use their own money when they can get someone else to pick up the tab.   That’s what makes them Republicans – they are cheap and greedy.

Republican Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell has been telling people that his daughter paid for her own wedding.  That’s not quite true.  Actually I did not say that correctly.  That’s not true at all.

Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell has said his daughter and her husband paid for their own wedding. So a $15,000 check from a major campaign donor to pay for the food at the affair was a gift to the bride and groom and not to him and therefore did not have to be publicly disclosed under the law, the governor says.

Although all evidence is that every damn thing for this wedding – including the dress – was given for free to the lucky couple only because her daddy is the Governor of Damn Virginia, Bob McDonnell didn’t report any of these lovely gifts.
Now, I’m not saying the Guv is a tight with his own money but when he smiles his toes curl.  Word has it that he told his daughter he’d pay for the honeymoon then sent her through a car wash and told her it was Niagara Falls.

And even though evidence proves that both the Guv and his wife provided favors in exchange for the cash and gifts thrown at his daughter for the wedding, the Guv is still saying his daughter paid it herself.  Yeah, with money from people who stand to benefit from favors from the Guv.

And to mix a little misery into the Guv’s tranquility, the Washington Post is all over it, leaving the Gov to stand there with a look on is face that would make a teevee evangelist ashamed.  That’s pretty damn low.

Y’all, I hate these grubby people.  God help me, I do.  Somewhere else in Virginia, a  young woman and her daddy worked extra hours to pay for her wedding while the Guv just pimps his daughter out.  They have no shame, and that right there is a shame for sure.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.